

词组 betrayal
释义 betrayal


ADJECTIVE | VERB + BETRAYAL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpersonal 个人背叛ultimate 最大的背叛His defection to the other side was the ultimate betrayal.他变节投向另一方是最大的背叛。VERB + BETRAYALregard sth as, see sth as, view sth as 把⋯看成是背叛The business community regarded the measures as a betrayal of election promises.商界认为这些措施有违竞选承诺。PREPOSITIONbetrayal of 对⋯的背叛a betrayal of his friends对他朋友的背叛The decisions were a betrayal of everything my father stood for.这些决定与我父亲所有的主张都相悖。PHRASESan act of betrayal 背叛行为a betrayal of (sb's) trust 辜负(某人的)信任a feeling of betrayal, a sense of betrayal 被出卖感




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