

词组 benefit
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2financial advantages given by a company, the government, etc. 经济利益ADJECTIVE | VERB + BENEFIT | BENEFIT + NOUN ADJECTIVEfringe (= extra things that an employer gives as well as a salary) (薪金外的)附加福利The fringe benefits include free health insurance.附加福利包括免费健康保险。tax 税项利益employee, retiree (both NAmE) 员工津贴;退休人员补助domestic-partner (especially NAmE) 同居伴侣津贴VERB + BENEFITgive 给予救济金receive 领取救济金extend 提供补助These benefits will now be extended to agency workers.这些补助现在将会惠及代理机构的员工。deny sb 拒绝给予某人津贴Same-sex couples were denied the benefits given to married couples.不给同性别夫妇发放已婚夫妇享受的补助。BENEFIT + NOUNplan (especially NAmE) 福利计划benefits package 一揽子福利待遇




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