

词组 bend
释义 bend


ADJECTIVE | ... OF BENDS | VERB + BEND | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgentle, slight, wide 缓弯hairpin (BrE) , sharp, tight 急转弯Some of the hairpin bends had Ruth clinging to her seat.驶过一些急转弯时,露丝紧紧抓着座位。dangerous 危险的弯道blind (BrE) 隐蔽的弯角mountain roads with steep gradients and blind bends有陡峭坡路和隐蔽弯角的山道left-hand, right-hand 左转弯;右转弯final, last, opening (= in a race) (比赛的)最后一个弯道,第一个弯道He had a winning lead off the final bend.他驶过最后一个弯道时获得了制胜的领先优势。... OF BENDSseries 一连串的弯道a series of dangerous bends连续的危险弯道VERB + BENDcome around, come round (especially BrE) , negotiate, round, take, turn 转弯;顺利通过弯道;通过弯道;拐弯He slowed down to negotiate the bend.他减速通过了弯道。PREPOSITIONaround a/the bend, round a/the bend (especially BrE) 通过弯道处The car vanished around a bend.汽车转过弯道后消失不见了。into a/the bend 进入弯道I inched the car into the bend.我一点儿一点儿把车开进弯道内。off a/the bend 离开弯道处He came off the bend in the lead.他第一个通过弯道。on a/the bend 在弯道处Slow down on the tight bends.急转弯处减速慢行。bend in ⋯中的弯道a wide bend in the river河流的一个缓弯




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