

词组 battle
释义 battle


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBferociously, fiercely, hard 奋力/激烈/努力拼搏bravely, gamely, valiantly 勇敢战斗The child battled bravely for her life.这个小女孩为了活下去而勇敢地抗争。in vain, unsuccessfully 徒劳地斗争Doctors battled in vain to save his life.医生们奋力挽救他的生命,但没有成功。constantly 持续斗争away 斗争下去We'll keep battling away and hope that the goals start to come.我们将不断地斗争,希望能接近目标。PREPOSITIONagainst 抵抗⋯Rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.救援人员奋力抵御急风暴雨。for 为争取⋯而斗争factions battling for control of the party为争夺党的控制权而进行斗争的派别over 就⋯而斗争Residents are battling over plans for a new airport runway.居民正就建设一条新的机场跑道的计划而斗争。through 在⋯中奋斗We battled through the snowstorm.我们在暴风雪中挣扎。with 与⋯斗争Riot police battled with 4 000 students.防暴警察与 4,000 名学生展开了一场搏斗。He battled with cancer for many months.他与癌症斗争了好多个月。PHRASESbattle it out 决一胜负Competitors battled it out against the clock.参赛选手为了夺取胜利而争分夺秒。battle your way 艰难地走He battled his way to the bar.他费力地走向吧台。




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