

词组 video
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1system of recording moving pictures and sound 录像系统ADJECTIVE | VERB + VIDEO | VIDEO + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElive, real-time 现场/实时录像interactive 交互式视频analogue/analog, digital 模拟/数字视频high-definition 高清视频full-motion 全动感视频VERB + VIDEOstream 传送视频You need a broadband Internet connection to stream video online.你需要接入宽带因特网才能在线传送视频。VIDEO + NOUNcamera, card (computing 计算机) , equipment, player, projector, recorder 摄像机;视频卡;录像设备;放像机;视频投影仪;录像机monitor, screen 视频监视器;放映录像的屏幕clip, film (BrE) , footage, image, montage, picture, recording, sequence 录像片断;录像片;视频图像;视频剪辑;影视图像;电视录像;一组影像镜头The jury watched video footage of the riots.陪审团观看了暴乱发生时的录像片断。nasty (BrE) 恐怖录像片The infamous video nasty is now a cult film.那个臭名昭著的恐怖片现在成了一部备受追捧的影片。playback 录像回放diary, documentary, interview, series 视频日记/纪录片/采访/系列节目She started making a video diary of her life.她开始用视频日记记录自己的生活。shoot 录像拍摄The band are in Iceland doing a video shoot.该乐队正在冰岛拍摄录像。channel 视频频道I can't find the video channel on this television.我找不到这台电视机的视频频道。file 视频文件Video files can be readily transmitted over digital broadband.用数字宽带可快速传输视频文件。format 视频格式game 电视游戏gamer 玩视频游戏的人arcade 电子游戏厅conferencing, teleconferencing 视频会议系统;远程视频会议系统conference, presentation, teleconference 电视会议;视频显示;远程视频会议link 视频线路The speech was broadcast via a video link to thousands standing outside.演说通过视频线路向数以千计站在外面的人播放。signal 视频信号surveillance 视频监视archive 视频档案installation (= type of art) 影像设备artist 影像艺术家PREPOSITIONon video 在录像带上The movie is already out on video.这部电影已经发行了录像带。




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