

词组 harmony
释义 harmony


1state of agreement 一致ADJECTIVE | VERB + HARMONY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete, perfect 完全融洽;十分和谐relative 比较融洽They've lived together in reasonable harmony for many years.他们在一起还算和睦地生活了很多年。domestic, political, racial, social 家庭和睦;政治和谐;种族融洽;社会和谐On the surface their life was a model of domestic harmony.表面上,他们的生活似乎是家庭和睦的典范。VERB + HARMONYachieve 达到和睦状态bring, create 带来/创造和谐maintain, preserve 保持和谐They try to maintain harmony between the two communities.他们试图维持两个社团之间的和睦。restore 重塑和谐foster, promote 促进和谐关系;增进和睦The Church tries to promote racial harmony.教会试图促进种族和睦。live in 和睦地生活PREPOSITIONin harmony 和睦地They work together in harmony.他们一起融洽地工作。harmony between ⋯之间的和谐They try to foster harmony between different groups of people.他们试图促进不同群体之间的和谐。harmony with 与⋯的协调people living in perfect harmony with nature与自然完美和谐地共存的人们PHRASESa sense of harmony 和睦感A new sense of harmony developed in the community.该社区形成了一种新的和谐氛围。




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