

词组 habit
释义 habit


ADJECTIVE | VERB + HABIT | HABIT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEannoying, antisocial (BrE) , bad, dangerous, destructive, dirty, disconcerting (BrE) , disgusting, filthy, horrible, irritating, nasty, poor, terrible, unfortunate 讨厌的/违反公益的/不好的/危险的/具有破坏性的/肮脏的/令人难堪的/令人厌恶的/卑鄙的/糟糕的/让人恼火的/不雅的/很差的/可怕的/不良的习惯Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.生活总是千篇一律,令人生厌。poor eating habits不良的饮食习惯charming (often ironic) , endearing, good 令人愉快的/讨人喜欢的/良好的习惯one of his more endearing habits他那些更讨人喜欢的习惯之一her charming habit of setting fire to cats她在猫身上点火的“可爱的”习惯curious, eccentric, odd, peculiar, strange, unusual, weird 古怪的/反常的/奇怪的/独特的/不可思议的/不寻常的/诡异的习惯unhealthy 不健康的习惯The children are developing unhealthy eating habits.孩子们正在养成不健康的饮食习惯。healthful (NAmE) , healthy 有益健康的/健康的习惯lifelong, old 一生的习惯;旧习daily, normal, regular, usual 日常习惯ingrained 根深蒂固的习惯deeply ingrained habits of thought根深蒂固的思维习惯nervous 神经紧张的习惯It was a nervous habit she'd had for years.她多年来一直习惯于神经紧张。expensive 奢侈的习惯personal, sexual, social 个人习惯;性习惯;社交习惯I found some of his personal habits rather disconcerting.我发觉他的某些个人习惯很是让人难堪。lifestyle 生活方式上的习惯Healthy lifestyle habits begin when you're young.健康的生活习惯是从小养成的。mental 思维习惯Mental habits are not easily changed.思维习惯很难改变。buying, shopping, spending 购买/购物/消费习惯an effort to change the buying habits of the British public为改变英国公众购物习惯而作出的努力dietary, drinking, eating, feeding, food 饮食习惯;饮酒习惯;摄食习惯exercise, sleeping, work 运动/睡眠/工作习惯The pills affected your sleeping habits.这些药片会影响你的睡眠习惯。Ellington's work habits were a marvel to all.所有人都对埃林顿的工作习惯感到惊讶。reading, viewing 阅读/收视习惯women's television viewing habits女性的收视习惯cocaine, crack, drug, gambling, heroin, smoking 可卡因瘾;纯可卡因瘾;毒瘾;赌瘾;海洛因瘾;烟瘾I'm trying to kick the smoking habit.我正努力戒除烟瘾。VERB + HABITbe in, have 习惯于;有⋯习惯She had been in the habit of drinking five or six cups of coffee a day.她有每天喝五六杯咖啡的习惯。She has some very annoying habits.她有些习惯非常讨厌。He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly around the house.他有个恼人的习惯,老在屋子里不成调地唱歌。acquire, adopt, cultivate, develop, establish, fall into, form, get in, get into, make 养成习惯;沾染习惯;形成习惯I had fallen into my old bad habit of leaving everything until the last minute.我又恢复了过去什么事都要拖到最后一刻才干的坏习惯。Try to get into good habits and eat regular healthy meals.尽量养成好习惯,吃饭要定时、讲营养。Make a habit of noting down any telephone messages.要养成记下电话内容的习惯。become 成为习惯Don't let eating between meals become a habit.不要养成吃零食的习惯。break (yourself of), get out of, give up, kick 打破/戒除/放弃/摆脱习惯a difficult habit to break很难改掉的习惯You must break yourself of the habit.你必须改掉这个习惯。I got out of the habit of getting up early.我改掉了早起的习惯。change 改变习惯support 保持习惯He turned to crime to support his habit.为了维持习惯,他走上了犯罪的道路。HABIT + VERBchange 习惯改变The nation's eating habits have changed significantly.国内的饮食习惯发生了重大变化。PREPOSITIONby habit 习惯性地Much of what we do in daily life is done by habit.我们日常生活中做的事许多都是出于习惯。from habit 出于习惯I just did it from habit.我这么做只是出于习惯。out of habit 出于习惯I sat in my old seat purely out of habit.我完全是习惯性地坐到了我的老位子上。PHRASESa creature of habit 不易改变习惯的动物Horses are creatures of habit and like to have a daily routine.马是受习惯支配的动物,喜欢每天都做一样的事。force of habit 习惯力量Mr Norris woke up early from force of habit.诺里斯先生习惯性地很早就醒了。the habit of a lifetime 终生习惯It's hard to change the habit of a lifetime.积习难改。a hard habit to break 难以改掉的习惯Caffeine can be a hard habit to break.咖啡因成瘾可能会很难戒除。old habits die hard 旧习难改




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