

词组 veer
释义 veer


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBsharply, wildly 急剧地/剧烈地转向The missile veered wildly off course.导弹猛地转向,偏离了轨道。(to the) left, (to the) right 往左/往右急转off course 突然偏离航道around, away, off, round (especially BrE) 突然调头;突然调转方向;突然偏向The plane veered away to the left.飞机突然调转方向往左侧飞去。PREPOSITIONbetween (figurative) 在⋯之间变化不定He veered between the extremes of optimism and pessimism.他时而极度乐观,时而悲观绝望。from (figurative) 从⋯转变The play veers from loopy comedy to serious moralizing.这部戏从怪诞的喜剧转成了严肃的道德说教。off 驶出The car veered off the road.汽车偏离了路面。to 转向⋯The path veers sharply to the right.道路急转向右。towards/toward 朝⋯转向He veered left towards / toward them.他向左转朝他们冲过去。PHRASESveer close to sth (figurative) 转为接近⋯His poetry veered dangerously close to sentimentalism.他的诗风陡然转至近乎伤感多愁,这种改变很危险。




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