释义 |
variety noun 2particular type of sth 某种类型ADJECTIVE | VERB + VARIETY ADJECTIVEdistinctive 独特的种类common or garden (BrE) , garden (NAmE) , standard 普通类型;标准类型rare, unusual 稀有/罕见品种different 不同的品种◆There are hundreds of different varieties of apple.苹果有数百个不同品种。new, old 新品种;老品种◆Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases.老的玫瑰品种抗病害能力可能较差。cultivated, indigenous 培育的/本地的品种◆cultivated varieties such as the damask rose像突厥蔷薇这类的栽培品种disease-resistant, resistant 抗病/抗性品种high-yielding 高产品种◆high-yielding varieties of rice高产的稻谷品种hybrid 杂交品种grape, rice, wheat, etc. 葡萄、稻谷、小麦等品种VERB + VARIETYdevelop 开发⋯品种◆breeders who develop new varieties开发新品种的培育者grow, plant 种植⋯品种 |