

词组 air
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1gas/space 气体;空间ADJECTIVE | ... OF AIR | VERB + AIR | AIR + VERB | AIR + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhot, warm 热空气;温暖的空气chill, cold, cool, crisp 冷空气;寒冷的空气;凉爽的空气;清爽的空气clean, clear, fresh, pure 清洁的/清新的/新鲜的/纯净的空气There are regulatory requirements for clean air and water.对清洁的空气和水有监管要求。We need some fresh air in this stuffy room!在这个憋闷的房间里我们需要一些新鲜空气!sweet 香甜的气味The air was sweet with incense.空气中弥漫着熏香的香甜气味。foul, foul-smelling, polluted, stale 难闻的气味;受污染的空气;不新鲜的空气the polluted air of our cities我们城市被污染的空气the musty smell of stale air不新鲜空气的霉味damp, humid, moist 潮湿的空气;湿润的空气dry 干燥的空气still 不流通的空气Nothing moved in the still air.空气凝滞,一切都纹丝不动。thin 稀薄的空气It's difficult carrying such heavy loads in the thin air of the mountains.山里空气稀薄,带着这么重的东西非常吃力。thick ⋯浓的空气The air was thick with cigarette smoke.空气中满是香烟的烟雾。compressed 压缩的空气They have developed an engine powered by compressed air.他们研制出一种用压缩空气作动力的发动机。country, mountain, sea 乡村的/山里的/海边的空气evening, morning, night 傍晚的/早晨的/夜晚的空气Music filled the night air.夜晚的空气中弥漫着音乐声。... OF AIRblast, gust, rush 一阵强烈的气流We felt a blast of cold air as she opened the door.她一开门,我们就感到一阵冷风吹来。current 一股气流warm currents of air一股股暖气流breath 一口气He drew in another breath of air.他又吸了一口气。VERB + AIRbreathe 吸气Land crabs breathe air and cannot swim.地蟹会呼吸空气,但不会游泳。breathe in, gulp in, inhale, suck in 吸气;大口吸气She gulped in the fresh mountain air.她大口呼吸山里的新鲜空气。I sat for a moment, inhaling the fresh forest air.我坐了一会儿,呼吸着林中的新鲜空气。fight for, gasp for 气喘吁吁;上气不接下气She was gasping for air as she ran out of the burning house.她从着火的房子中逃出来时上气不接下气。smell, sniff 闻气味;嗅气味The dog stretched and sniffed the air.这只狗伸了伸腿,嗅了嗅气味。fill, hang in 空气中充满⋯气味;空气中飘散着⋯气味The tang of some wild herb hung in the air.空气中散发着浓烈的野生草药的气味。blow 吹气pollute 污染空气clear (figurative) 消除误会The argument helped to clear the air between them.这次争论有助于消除他们之间的误会。punch 挥拳头He punched the air in triumph.他高兴地挥了挥拳头。pierce 刺透天空Suddenly a scream pierced the air.突然,一声尖叫直刺云天。AIR + VERBblow, circulate, flow, rise, rush, waft 空气吹来/循环/流动/升腾/迅速流动/飘荡The cool night air wafted in through the open windows.凉爽的晚风从敞开的窗户飘了进来。AIR + NOUNpollution 空气污染quality 空气质量equipment to monitor air quality监测空气质量的仪器pressure 气压current 气流temperature 气温conditioning 空气调节conditioner 空调PREPOSITIONin the air, into the air 在空中;进入空中I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球踢到高空。through the air 穿过天空Spicy smells wafted through the air.空中飘来阵阵辛辣的气味。PHRASESin the open air (= outside) 露天The market is held in the open air.集市设在户外。




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