

词组 policy
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1plan of action 行动计划ADJECTIVE | VERB + POLICY | POLICY + VERB | POLICY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclear, coherent 明确的/一致的政策explicit, specific 明确的/具体的政策strict 严格的政策conscious, deliberate 有意识的/深思熟虑的政策a deliberate policy to involve people of all ages一项涉及所有年龄段人群的谨慎的政策effective 有效的政策sensible 明智的政策controversial 有争议的政策flawed, misguided, short-sighted 有缺陷的/误导的/短视的政策the need to reform our flawed agricultural policy改革有缺陷的农业政策的需要disastrous 灾难性的政策official, public 官方/公众政策federal, government, party 联邦/政府/党的政策company 公司政策editorial 编辑方针The magazine has a misguided editorial policy.该杂志的编辑方针是错误的。domestic, internal, national, regional 国内/内部/国家/地区政策foreign, international 外交/国际政策expansionist, interventionary, protectionist, etc. 扩张主义、干预性、保护主义等政策open-door 门户开放政策an open-door policy for migrant workers对流动工人开放的政策affirmative-action (NAmE) (美国反对歧视少数族裔及妇女等的)平权政策affirmative-action policies that aim to help members of historically disadvantaged groups旨在帮助传统上的弱势群体的平权政策zero-tolerance 零容忍政策We have a zero-tolerance policy for drugs.我们对毒品持零容忍政策。agricultural, defence/defense, drug, drugs (BrE) , economic, education, educational, employment, energy, environmental, financial, fiscal, health, housing, immigration, macroeconomic, monetary, security, social, tax, trade, transport (especially BrE) , etc. 农业、国防、药物、经济、教育、就业、能源、环境、金融、财政、卫生、住房、移民、宏观经济、货币、安全、社会、税收、贸易、交通运输等政策admissions 招生政策Some have criticized universities for their admissions policies.有人批评大学的招生政策。VERB + POLICYdesign, develop, formulate, frame, influence, shape 设计政策;制定政策;影响政策determine, dictate 确定/规定政策a doctrine that would dictate American foreign policy for some time to come一项将会决定今后一段时间美国外交政策的原则establish, implement, institute, introduce, set 确立/执行/设立/提出/制定政策adopt, carry out, enact, enforce, follow, pursue 执行方针;实施方针;贯彻方针The government followed a policy of restraint in public spending.政府实行限制公共开支的政策。have, operate 有政策;施行政策The company operates a strict no-smoking policy.公司执行严格的禁烟政策。advocate, approve, endorse, favour/favor, promote, support 倡导/批准/拥护/赞成/促进/支持政策oppose 反对政策reverse 取消政策abandon 废弃政策POLICY + VERBbe aimed at sth, be designed to do sth 政策旨在⋯a policy aimed at halting economic recession旨在阻止经济衰退的政策policies designed to support and encourage marriage旨在支持和鼓励婚姻的政策govern sth 政策控制⋯policies governing the management of the environment制约环境管理的政策affect sb/sth 政策影响⋯Their economic policies affect us all.他们的经济政策影响到我们所有人。prohibit sth 政策禁止⋯a policy prohibiting sexual harassment一项禁止性骚扰的政策POLICY + NOUNdecision, making 决策proposal, recommendation 政策建议/推荐objective 政策目标issue 政策问题the need to address public policy issues at the national level解决全国性公共政策问题的需要change, reform, review 政策变更/变革/审查agenda 政策议程document, statement 政策文件/声明adviser, analyst, expert, maker, wonk (especially NAmE) 政策顾问/分析师/专家/制定者/达人a policy adviser who made his name as a health reformer以医疗改革者著称的政策顾问PREPOSITIONpolicy of ⋯的证词The company's policy of expansion has created many new jobs.公司的业务拓展政策创造了许多新的工作岗位。policy on 关于⋯的政策the party's policy on housing政党的住房政策PHRASESa matter of policy 关乎政策的事It is a matter of company policy that we do not disclose the names of clients.不公开客户姓名是公司的政策。




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