

词组 twin
释义 twin


ADJECTIVE | ... OF TWINS | VERB + TWIN | TWIN + NOUN ADJECTIVEidentical, monozygotic (technical 术语) 单卵双胎儿之一dizygotic (technical 术语) , fraternal, non-identical 双卵双胎儿/二卵双生/异卵双胎儿之一conjoined, Siamese 联体儿之一long-lost 长期失散的双胞胎之一His long-lost twin was searching for him.他失散多年的双胞胎兄弟正在寻找他。older, younger 年长的孪生兄弟/姐妹;年轻的孪生兄弟/姐妹I was the older twin.我是双胞胎中的哥哥。female, male 女性/男性双胞胎evil 邪恶的双胞胎之一the plot device of giving a character an evil twin让某人物有一个邪恶的孪生兄弟这一情节设计... OF TWINSpair, set 一对双胞胎a pair of identical twins一对同卵双胞胎VERB + TWINbe carrying, be pregnant with, expect 身怀着/孕育着/怀有双胞胎give birth to, have 生下双胞胎My sister had twins.我姐姐生了双胞胎。He had a twin (= a twin brother or sister).他有一个双胞胎兄弟(或姐妹)。raise 抚养双胞胎adult twins who were raised apart分开抚养长大的成年双胞胎separate 使双胞胎分开The twins were separated at birth.这对双胞胎出生时被分开了。an operation to separate conjoined twins分离联体儿的手术TWIN + NOUNboys, girls 男双胞胎;女双胞胎She had twin girls.她有一对孪生女儿。daughters, sons 孪生女儿/儿子brother, sister 孪生兄弟/姐妹




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