释义 |
smile noun ADJECTIVE | ... OF A SMILE | VERB + SMILE | SMILE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, bright, broad, huge, wide 灿烂的笑容;满面笑容◆She had a big smile on her face.她笑容满面。faint, slight, thin, wan, weak 微微一笑;淡淡一笑;无力的微笑beaming, beatific, cheerful, dazzling, happy, radiant, sunny, warm 灿烂的笑容;安详的微笑;快乐的微笑;幸福的微笑;热情的笑容◆the warm smile in his eyes他眼中的温暖笑意beautiful, charming, cute (especially NAmE) , engaging, friendly, gentle, sweet, winning 美丽的/迷人的/可爱的/吸引人的/友好的/温柔的/甜美的/动人的笑容◆She has a beautiful smile.她的笑容很美。infectious 有感染力的笑容◆He had an infectious smile that touched the lives of many people.他那有感染力的笑容影响了许多人的生活。disarming, enigmatic, mischievous, mocking, rueful, sardonic, sly, wry 令人消气的微笑;神秘的微笑;调皮的微笑;嘲弄的笑;懊悔的笑;轻蔑的笑;诡秘的笑;苦笑◆She gave a wry smile.她苦笑一声。sad 凄然一笑shy 羞怯的微笑apologetic, sheepish 歉意的/窘迫的微笑encouraging, indulgent, reassuring 鼓励的/宽容的/使人信心倍增的微笑polite 礼貌的微笑beguiling 骗人的微笑easy, ready 笑容可掬;笑口常开◆She had a keen wit and a ready smile.她非常聪明,笑口常开。fake, fixed, forced 佯装的/僵硬的/强作的笑容conspiratorial, knowing 心照不宣的笑;会意的微笑grim 狞笑◆a grim smile of satisfaction满意的狞笑humourless/humorless, mirthless 干巴巴的笑容;苦涩的笑容◆She suppressed a mirthless smile.她强忍住苦笑。goofy (informal, especially NAmE) 傻笑◆He had a goofy smile plastered across his face.他脸上堆着傻笑。crooked, lopsided 歪着嘴笑;撇着嘴笑toothy 露齿的笑toothless 没有牙齿瘪着嘴的笑... OF A SMILEglimmer, hint, trace 一丝微笑;一抹笑意◆A trace of a smile played across her lips.她唇边掠过一丝微笑。VERB + SMILEhave, wear 带着微笑◆She had a happy smile on her face.她面带幸福的微笑。crack, flash (sb), give sb, smile 露出笑容;(朝某人)微笑◆I don't think he ever cracked a smile.我觉得他从没有过笑脸。◆He flashed her a disarming smile.他朝她笑了一下,让她消消气。◆She smiled a smile of dry amusement.她心里觉得有趣,但只是不动声色地笑了笑。manage 挤出笑容◆She managed a weak smile.她无力地笑了笑。return 回应微笑◆She returned his smile.她对他的微笑也报以微笑。hide, suppress 强忍住笑◆They had to hide their smiles.他们不得不强忍住笑。force 强作笑脸◆Her father forced a smile.她父亲勉强笑了笑。raise (especially BrE) 引来微笑◆Mention of this subject is guaranteed to raise a smile.提及这个话题肯定让人高兴。SMILE + VERBfade, freeze, vanish 笑容消失;笑容僵住◆Her sunny smile vanished as she read the letter.她读到这封信时,脸上愉快的笑容消失了。falter 笑容消退◆His smile faltered slightly.他的笑容微微收起。come across sth, come over sth, come to sth 笑容掠过⋯◆A smile came to her lips.她唇边露出一丝笑意。creep across sth, creep onto sth, creep over sth 笑容渐渐在⋯出现◆A wry smile crept over his face.他脸上露出一丝苦笑。cross sth 笑容掠过⋯flicker across sth, flicker on sth, flicker over sth 笑容闪过⋯;笑容掠过⋯◆A faint smile flickered across her face.一丝淡淡的笑意在她脸上掠过。light sth up 笑容绽放◆She got up immediately, a smile lighting up her face.她立即站起身来,脸上露出了喜色。play about sth (especially BrE) , play across sth, play on sth 笑容掠过⋯◆A small smile played on his lips.一丝笑意在他的唇边一闪而过。form 笑容绽放grow, spread, spread across sth, spread over sth, widen 笑容绽开;微笑在⋯绽放◆Her smile grew radiant.她的笑容逐渐灿烂起来。◆A gentle smile spread over her face.温柔的笑容在她脸上绽放。PREPOSITIONwith a smile 带着微笑◆'Oh, hello!' he said, with a smile.“你好!”他微笑着说smile of ⋯的微笑◆a smile of approval赞许的微笑PHRASEShave a smile on your face 面带笑容◆She always has a smile on her face.她总是面带微笑。bring a smile to sb's face, put a smile on sb's face 给人带来微笑◆It is a beautiful song that puts a smile on your face.那支优美的曲子给人带来微笑。keep the smile off your face 忍住不笑◆He could hardly keep the smile off his face.他几乎忍不住要笑。wipe the smile off sb's face 让某人笑不起来◆I'm going to wipe that smile off your face (= make you stop thinking this is funny).我会让你笑不起来的。be all smiles (尤指悲伤后)满面微笑◆Twelve hours later she was all smiles again.12 小时之后,她又满脸笑容了。be wreathed in smiles 满脸微笑◆His face was wreathed in smiles.他满面笑容。(have) a smile plastered across/on your face 面带笑容◆The little boy had a smile plastered across his face.小男孩脸上带着微笑。 |