

词组 future
释义 future


2what will happen to sb/sth 前景ADJECTIVE | VERB + FUTURE | FUTURE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbright, brilliant, exciting, glorious, golden (especially BrE) , great, healthy, promising, prosperous, rosy, successful 光明的/灿烂的/令人兴奋的/绚丽的/美好的/无量的/良好的/有前途的/兴旺发达的/有希望的/远大的未来He has a great future as a designer.他作为设计师前途无量。better 更好的前途hopeful, peaceful 满怀希望的/和平的前景secure, stable 无忧的/可靠的前景sustainable, viable 可持续发展的/有发展前途的未来bleak, gloomy (especially BrE) , grim, uncertain 前景暗淡;前景惨淡;前景堪忧;前途不定He forecasts an uncertain future for the industry.他预测这一行业前景惨淡。long-term 远景economic, financial, political 经济/金融/政治前景shared 共同的前景united by our common history and our shared future共同拥有的历史和将来使我们团结起来entire, whole 整个前途;全部前景He felt his entire future was at risk.他觉得自己的整个前途受到了威胁。utopian 乌托邦式的前景VERB + FUTUREface, have 面临⋯前途;有⋯前途The company faces a very uncertain future.这家公司前景很不明朗。create 创设前景We want to create a better future for everyone.我们想为大家创造更加美好的未来。determine, influence, shape 决定未来;影响前途the right to determine their own future in a democratic fashion以民主的方式决定自己未来的权利assure, guarantee, secure 确保前景;保证前途The sale secured his financial future.这笔买卖保证了他的经济前景。jeopardize, threaten 破坏/危及前途envisage (especially BrE) , envision (especially NAmE) , forecast, predict 展望前景;预测前景consider, contemplate, ponder, ponder on 考虑/思索/仔细琢磨/考量前途After being dropped from the team the young defender is considering his future.被球队除名之后,这个年轻后卫开始思考自己的将来。discuss 讨论前景plan 对前景作规划You need to take time to plan your future.你需要花时间规划一下你的未来。invest in 对未来投资She decided to invest in her future by taking a course.她决定上一门课,作为自己未来的投资。FUTURE + VERBawait (sb) 前途等着(某人)A great future awaits you.大好前途在等着你。PREPOSITIONfuture as 从事⋯的前途She has a very promising future as a musician.她作为音乐家前途无量。future in ⋯的前景He could see no future in his job.他看不出他的工作会有什么前途。PHRASESa question mark over the future of sb/sth (especially BrE) ⋯前途未卜A question mark hangs over the future of the company.这家公司前途未卜。




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