

词组 fund
释义 fund


ADVERB | VERB + FUND ADVERBlargely, mainly, primarily 提供大部分资金;提供主要资金entirely, wholly 提供所有/全部资金The venture is funded entirely by its board of directors.这家企业的资金全部由董事会提供。partially, partly 提供部分资金generously, heavily, lavishly, properly, well 慷慨地/大量/过分慷慨地/适当地/很好地提供(所需)资金fully 提供充沛的资金fully funded day care for our children资金充足的日间托儿所adequately 提供足够的资金inadequately, poorly 资金供给不足centrally, directly 中央资助;直接提供资金Infrastructure projects are centrally funded.基础设施建设工程由中央拨款。The GDPC is not directly funded by the taxpayer.GDPC 的资金不是直接由纳税人提供的。federally, publicly 由联邦政府/由公共资金资助externally, independently, privately 外部/独立/私人资助jointly 联合资助a plan jointly funded by central and local government由中央和地方政府共同出资的计划solely 独自资助The museum is funded solely from voluntary contributions.这家博物馆完全由志愿捐款资助。VERB + FUNDbe used to, help (to) 用来提供资金给⋯;资助This money will help to fund administration costs.这笔钱将用于行政支出。agree to 同意提供资金refuse to 拒绝资助




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