

词组 frustration
释义 frustration


ADJECTIVE | VERB + FRUSTRATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, great 非常沮丧;极大的挫败感;心灰意冷My biggest frustration was not having enough time.我最感到沮丧的是时间不够用。pure, sheer, utter 纯粹的/十足的/彻底的沮丧I shouted at him in sheer frustration.我因为失望至极对他大吼起来。angry 满含怒气的挫败感pent-up 压抑的沮丧情绪growing, mounting, rising 越来越心灰意冷;不断加剧的沮丧情绪sexual 性挫败感VERB + FRUSTRATIONexperience, feel, seethe with 感到沮丧;满心沮丧He was still seething with angry frustration.他心里仍因受到挫败而满含怒气。express, show, take out, vent, voice 表达/流露出/发泄出/发泄/说出沮丧的情绪He took his pent-up frustration out on his family.他把因挫败而郁积的怒气发泄在家人身上。hide 隐藏挫败感cause, create, lead to 引起/造成/导致沮丧These petty rules can lead to frustration and anger.这些琐碎的条规会令人感到郁闷和愤怒。understand 理解沮丧的心情sense 感觉到沮丧I sensed frustration in her voice.我听出她的话中有一种沮丧的口气。PREPOSITIONin frustration 在沮丧中He clenched his fists in frustration.他沮丧地攥紧了拳头。out of frustration 出于沮丧I was crying out of frustration.我因愤懑沮丧而大声喊叫。through frustration 由于郁闷不满Several people resigned through frustration.几个人由于郁闷不满而辞职了。with frustration 因沮丧而⋯I could have wept with frustration.我也可能是因为感觉到沮丧才哭泣的。frustration at 就⋯感到的失望Many have expressed frustration at the delays.许多人对延误感到不满。frustration over 因⋯的失望They're showing frustration over the lack of progress.他们因为没有进展而显得沮丧。frustration with 对⋯的愤懑their frustration with bureaucracy他们对官僚作风的愤懑PHRASESanger and frustration, frustration and anger 愤怒与沮丧;沮丧与愤怒a feeling of frustration, a sense of frustration 挫败感share sb's frustration 与某人有同样的挫败感I agree that we are accomplishing nothing at the moment, and I share your frustration.我同意我们目前什么也没做成,我与你一样有挫败感。tears of frustration 失意的泪水There were tears of frustration in her eyes.她眼中含着失意的泪水。




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