

词组 personality
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1character 性格ADJECTIVE | VERB + PERSONALITY | PERSONALITY + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbright, bubbly, extrovert (especially BrE) , jovial, lively, outgoing, sparkling, vibrant, vivacious 开朗的性格;活泼的个性;外向的个性;乐观的性格;风趣的性格attractive, charming, lovely (especially BrE) , nice, pleasant, warm 迷人的个性;讨人喜欢的个性;和蔼可亲的性格charismatic, colourful/colorful, larger-than-life 极富魅力的/多彩多姿的/传奇式的个性engaging, magnetic, winning 迷人的/富有魅力的/动人的个性easy-going 随和的个性her amiable nature and easy-going personality她和蔼的性格和随和的个性dominant, dynamic, forceful, formidable, powerful, strong 强势的个性;坚强的个性;令人敬畏的人格authoritarian 专制人格vulnerable (BrE) , weak 脆弱的个性;软弱的性格a troubled man who had a vulnerable personality一个性格脆弱、忧心忡忡的人distinct, distinctive, individual, unique 独特的个性She manages to project a very distinct personality.她设法表现出非常鲜明的个性。quirky 古怪的个性complex 复杂的个性volatile 反复无常的个性creative 创造性人格dual, multiple, split 双重/多重/分裂人格He developed a split personality after the crash.那次撞车后他变得人格分裂了。addictive 成瘾个性Addictive personalities can run in families.成瘾个性会在家族中世代相传。antisocial 反社会个性VERB + PERSONALITYbe, have 有个性Barbara is / has a very forceful personality.芭芭拉是一个个性很强的人。develop 养成个性shape 塑造性格The events of her early life shaped her personality.她童年经历的事塑造了她的个性。express, reflect 表现/反映个性His choice of clothes reflects his personality.他对衣服的选择反映了他的个性。bring out 使表现出原本的个性She has brought out her husband's personality since their relationship began.从他们谈恋爱以来,她就让丈夫完全释放出其个性。add (especially NAmE) 增添个性Interesting displays can add personality to your store window.有趣的展品可以为商店的橱窗增添个性。lack 缺乏个性He had no screen presence and lacked any real personality.他在屏幕上没有表现力,缺乏真正的个性。fit, match, suit 适应/匹配/适合个性The job didn't really suit my personality.这项工作并不太适合我的性格。PERSONALITY + NOUNtype 个性类型characteristic, quirk (especially NAmE) , trait 性格特点/怪癖/特征disorder, flaw, problem 人格障碍/缺陷/问题development 个性发展change 个性变化assessment (especially NAmE) , profile, test 个性评估/分析/测试From your personality profile, it seems you're interested in politics.从你的个性分析结果来看,你似乎对政治感兴趣。All candidates have to undergo a personality test.所有候选人都必须接受个性测试。clash, conflict 个性冲突There was a personality clash between two members of the committee.两名委员会成员性格不合。personality conflicts between a faculty member and a student师生之间的性格冲突PHRASESan aspect of sb's personality, a side of sb's personality 个性的一个方面For the first time she was seeing the more unpleasant aspects of her husband's personality.她第一次看到了丈夫个性中不那么令人愉快的方面。a clash of personalities 个性的冲突the force of sb's personality, the power of sb's personality, the strength of sb's personality 人格的力量He has achieved success by the sheer strength of his personality.他全凭自己人格的力量获得了成功。impose your personality on sth, stamp your personality on sth 将个性加于⋯上/牢固附着在⋯上She stamped her personality on the company.公司带有她鲜明的个性色彩。




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