Gordon Jones," he said, "but this is not a matter which I can
discuss with you."
The Kingdom of the Blind
People will there
discuss with humility vital questions that we here think ourselves too good to touch with tongs."
Howards End
CPAs are licensed by their state, and we
discuss with students the profession's concern about the complexity of different state licensure requirements because some large-firm partners must be licensed in numerous states.
Auditing in the classroom is changing: the new, computerized CPA exam calls for fresh teaching methods
But I do want them to recognize that many of the assumptions and methods that inform our approach to the novel derive from a particular school of criticism, and I
discuss with them the theoretical underpinnings of New Historical criticism.
Teaching the novel in context
Chapter One, "Emotions in Education: The Pupil's Emotional Experience and the Role of the Teacher," begins with questions about their emotions for pupils to answer and
discuss with their teachers.
Annotated bibliography on musician wellness
Discuss with park management topics ranging from commercial forestry operations to ecosystem and endangered species recovery at Cape Peninsula National Park
Highlights: forestry and natural resources delegation to South Africa
You and, if it is appropriate, your legally authorized representative should discuss with the investigator the possibility that your illness could worsen during the research study.
You can ask for a copy of the protocol to take home to discuss with family members, your physicians and others.
You and any family members interested in your well-being should discuss with the director of the research your questions about compassionate plea use.
A Participant's Guide To Mental Health Clinical Research
Discuss with the IRS the scope, nature, and desirability of record retention agreements.
Improving the audit process: a cooperative venture
There are a number of points the auditor might regularly discuss with the audit committee.
The amendments say the auditor should discuss with the committee judgments about the quality, not just the acceptability, of the company's accounting principles as applied in its financial reporting.
Forge the right relationship