Discerning God's Will Together does well what it intends to do: make a case that Anabaptist ecclesiology and Anabaptist hermeneutics are inextricably linked.
Discerning God's Will Together: Biblical Interpretation in the Free Church Tradition
In his comments on the new collection, Mr Prashant Vatkar, Vice President-ME Operations at Samsonite, said: "As the leaders in cutting-edge travel solutions, our primary concern is to satisfy the needs of our
discerning travellers.
Samsonite unveils innovative business collection for Middle East traveller
The new Allinson range is designed to drive our leadership further in the premium brown sector and appeal to the more affluent, younger and
discerning consumer who is attracted to the premium with bits sector.
Allied improvement
So it's pleasing to see our MPs are
discerning when it comes to shopping.
BIRMINGHAM POST: Playing house
Michael Banks' The eBay Survival Guide (1593270631, $19.95) is another fine guide to selling and buying on eBay--and avoiding common pitfalls--which covers just about everything including
discerning the 'real prices' of items and learning more effective bidding strategies.
No Starch Press
Research in applied linguistics; becoming a
discerning consumer.
Research in applied linguistics; becoming a discerning consumer
Deftly embedded in a riveting story for your readers ages 8 to 14, is an engaging exploration of such issues as individualism and family obligation, the complexities of
discerning right from wrong, and the consequences of pursuing truth and justice.
View in context
With seven sections, he has created, he says, "seven different ways to dance." Shen Wei edits movement with the
discerning eye of a painter--which he also is.
Shen Wei his way
According to Rosenzweig, the process of
discerning how and when one responds authentically to the divine command transpires through the practice of studying sacred texts with others.
LaReau, in her book Getting a Life: How to Find Your True Vocation (Orbis Books, Maryknoli Press), views
discerning our personal vocation as a life journey, as a "process of continuing conversion, of continually opening ourselves up to our deepest, most heart-felt desire, which is, ultimately, God's desire for us." LaReau, who has a Master of Divinity, explores her own life's journey, and in that telling gives proof of her main thesis--namely, that we never arrive, but are always travelling.
A deeper understanding of the word 'vocation'
A student-teacher relationship is often the vital key to
discerning vocation.
Teaching mindfully: discerning vocation and call
Gold diggers need not apply either, she adds: "[The millionaires] are paying me to be
discerning in order to arrange the best possible matches."
Who wants to date a millionaire? Can a service that promises to match eligible gay bachelors with men of means really result in true love?
Standing in the great tradition of Tocqueville and Burckhardt, he combines probity and courage in his "censorial inspection" of modern progressivists and positivists; in his opposition to the ravaging forces of historical determinism, materialism, mechanism; and in his emphasis on the need for religious understanding in the concomitant search for historial understanding, or as Congdon writes in the two last sentences of his
discerning reconsideration regarding Lukacs's basic preoccupations: "It is to help others to remember, or to come to know, an earlier and better time.
A prefatory note
They cater to
discerning upscale travelers seeking a lodging experience of high comfort and prestige, according to Garibay.
Award-winning JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City offers classic elegance to business travelers. (Special Advertising Feature)
Phrases such as picturesque, new and exciting vistas, marketing of the area for the
discerning visitor and public enjoyment have a hollow ring when one remembers the reality, that in the midst of all this beauty the erection of Europe's biggest wind farm has just been approved by the local planning authority, Ceredigion County Council.
Hollow ring