Three out of five of Filipino adults surveyed also
disagree with giving cash rewards to cops for every drug suspect they kill.
51% of Filipinos believe drug suspects can still change-SWS
Respondents 18-19 are also most likely to strongly
disagree with the statement that coverage was excellent (32.4%).
Network News Watchers Most Satisfied with 2012 Election News Coverage
Out of 27,6% of the respondents who
disagree with the statement, only 3,8% disagree at all.
School work quality--school ETOS
That may depend as much on whether they agree or
disagree with the issue as it does with how disrespectfully and crudely they were treated while they toiled with an issue that is clearly one so many people feel so passionately about.
Can we all please watch our language?
Directions: Mark each situation with an "A" if you agree with the school counselor's action, or with a "D" if you
disagree with the school counselor's action.
An ethics quiz for school counselors. (Special issue: legal and ethical issues in school counseling)
"The terrorists hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and
disagree with each other," the president told us.
Too free? (State of the First Amendment 2002)
But 50 percent or more of these Catholics
disagree with church teaching limiting ordination to unmarried men and prohibiting artificial birth control and in-vitro fertilization.
From the book of numbers. (signs of the times)
Third, Bergsten also seems to
disagree with our support of the Federal Reserve's policy.
Hands Off The Dollar!
People may
disagree with the success of the Millennium March, but it had a profound impact on my life.
reader forum
MORE than two-thirds of the British public
disagree with the law making metrication of shops and markets compulsory, according to a new survey.
Majority opposed to metric ruling
Likewise, the percent of law and economics scholars who
disagree with the proposition that "on balance, unions have increased productivity in many industries" is almost identical to the rate among labor economists (64 percent vs.
In the face of injustice, we are not simply called to
disagree with it, but to stop it.
Why We Can't, "Agree to Disagree"
There are plenty of other things to criticize or
disagree with in Bryant's book - far more than can be set out in a review of this type.
Moral Codes and Social Structure in Ancient Greece: A Sociology of Greek Ethnics from Homer to the Epicureans and Stoics
"I have followed my interpretation of the 'facts' to where I think they should lead me, knowing that others may
disagree with my conclusions and recommendations.
Wilderness and the Changing American West
Cheney has framed the issue so that there is really no way to
disagree with her and still be "living in truth" (as she titles her final chapter), much less be granted equal intellectual respect.
Telling the Truth: Why Our Culture and Our Country Have Stopped Making Sense - and What We Can Do About It