contrary to popular belief

contrary to popular belief

Opposite to what is popularly or generally expected or believed. Usually used to introduce such a statement. Contrary to popular belief, higher taxes end up benefiting people more than lower ones.
See also: belief, contrary, popular
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

contrary to popular beˈlief/oˈpinion

although it is not what most people consider to be true: Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.
See also: belief, contrary, opinion, popular
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • contrary to popular belief/opinion
  • contrary to popular opinion
  • contrary to
  • contrary to (something)
  • swim upstream
  • go against the tide
  • swim against the current
  • swim against the stream
  • swim against the tide
  • status
References in periodicals archive
Washington, Jan 14 ( ANI ): Contrary to popular belief that MTV's '16 and Pregnant' show promotes teen pregnancy by glorifying life of young mothers, a new study has found that such shows have actually helped in reducing teen births by almost 6 percent.
Summary: Contrary to popular belief, cleaning out wax from your ears is not advisable, explains Dr Charanjeet Singh Notay, ENT Surgeon, Zulekha Hospital, Sharjah.
YOU can fully understand Manchester United's desire to keep on Sir Alex Ferguson as a club director - and, contrary to popular belief, it is a move which will be welcomed by David Moyes.
Contrary to popular belief, many illegal immigrants in the U.S.
It's a standard which, contrary to popular belief, is more common than many people think.
Gert Stulp, one of the researchers at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, said: "Contrary to popular belief, tall men do not have most reproductive success.
He reported that, contrary to popular belief about romantic relationships, men confess their love an average 42 days before women do.
Contrary to popular belief, most people claiming benefits find them woefully inadequate and impossible to live on.
Contrary to popular belief, stress is not "all in the head".
CONTRARY to popular belief, actresses too can be close buddies.
But contrary to popular belief, they do not change colour to match their background.
CONTRARY to popular belief, until 2013 cosmetic companies are still allowed to market and sell products within the UK and EU that have been tested on animals in other parts of the world.
David and Daniel, contrary to popular belief, are very pro-links and applaud the Google News model.
Contrary to popular belief, Blockbusters host Bob Holness did not play saxophone on Gerry Rafferty's hit Baker Street - the story was an urban myth In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket Frogs cannot swallow without blinking A UFO sighting is reported somewhere on Earth every three minutes Colgate's first toothpaste came in a jar You are about 1cm taller in the morning than in the evening A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court Fingernails grow fastest on the right hands of right-handed people and the left hands of left-handed people
"This has been a hectic year and a time of high anxiety, and contrary to popular belief, people don't turn to food for comfort, they turn to other people," Balzer said.The standard fare -- turkey, potatoes, vegetables, pie, stuffing, fruit, rolls, salads, and bread -- will continue to grace tabletops this year, according to Balzer.Consumption of pumpkin pie on this holiday will make it the second most popular pie in America for the year, Balzer said.