
divide and conquer

1. To gain or maintain power by generating tension among others, especially those less powerful, so that they cannot unite in opposition. Rachel is so popular because she divides and conquers all of her minions and makes sure they all dislike each other.
2. To accomplish something by having several people work on it separately and simultaneously. The only way we'll ever get this project finished on time is if we divide and conquer. I'll put the slides together while you type up the hand-out.
See also: and, conquer, divide

I came, I saw, I conquered

Used to express one's total victory over someone or something. Often altered in various ways, as to suit the context, for humorous effect, etc. From the Latin phrase veni, vidi, vici, popularly attributed to Julius Caesar following his victory at the Battle of Zela. A: "Well, how did the interview go?" B: "I came, I saw, I conquered! You're looking at FlemCo's new Vice President of Marketing!" A: "Who won the football game?" B: "We did, by a landslide! We came, we saw, we kicked their butts!"
See also: conquer

stoop to conquer

To adopt a role, position, attitude, behavior, undertaking, etc., that is seen as being beneath one's abilities or social position in order to achieve one's end. The wealthy congressman has to start taking advantage of more popular, mainstream entertainment platforms because the only way he can come back at this point is if he stoops to conquer.
See also: conquer, stoop
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

divide and conquer

Also, divide and govern or rule . Win by getting one's opponents to fight among themselves. For example, Divide and conquer was once a very successful policy in sub-Saharan Africa. This expression is a translation of the Latin maxim, Divide et impera ("divide and rule"), and began to appear in English about 1600.
See also: and, conquer, divide
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

divide and conquer


divide and rule

COMMON If you try to divide and conquer or divide and rule, you try to keep control over a group of people by encouraging them to argue amongst themselves. Trade unions are concerned that management may be tempted into a policy of divide and rule. The Summit sends a very strong message to him that he's not going to divide and conquer. Note: This expression has its origin in the Latin phrase `divide et impera'. It describes one of the tactics which the Romans used to rule their empire.
See also: and, conquer, divide
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

divide and conquer/rule/govern, to

To win by getting one’s opponents to fight among themselves. This strategy not only was discovered to be effective in wartime by the most ancient of adversaries, but was also applied to less concrete affairs by Jesus: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25). The exact term is a translation of a Roman maxim, divide et impera (divide and rule).
See also: and, conquer, divide, rule

love conquers all

True love triumphs over adversity. This ancient adage was first stated by the Roman poet Virgil in Ciris: “Omnia vincit amor: quid enim non vinceret ille?” (Love conquers all: for what could Love not conquer?). It has been repeated ever since, by Chaucer and Tennyson, among others, but it may be obsolescent.
See also: all, conquer, love
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • divide and conquer
  • divide and conquer/rule/govern, to
  • govern
  • ruling
  • divide and rule
  • band together
  • to save one's life
  • to save your life
  • couldn't (do something) to save (one's) life
  • can't do something to save your life
References in periodicals archive
The CONQUER study was designed and conducted based on findings from subgroup analyses of the earlier Phase three studies of Emgality, which suggested it may be an option for patients who self-reported failures on migraine preventive medications before study enrolment.
"The CONQUER study applied strict and rigorous criteria to identify and enroll patients with chronic and episodic migraine who had failed multiple migraine preventive treatments, with the goal of understanding whether Emgality may be an effective option for patients with such significant unmet need."
'Preventive treatment failure has been a common occurrence among patients with migraine,' said Gudarz Davar, M.D., vice president, neurology development, Lilly Bio-Medicines.1 'The CONQUER study applied strict and rigorous criteria to identify and enroll patients with chronic and episodic migraine who had failed multiple migraine preventive treatments, with the goal of understanding whether Emgality may be an effective option for patients with such significant unmet need.'
The height is planned to be conquered on August 6 or 7," the General Staff said.
In her emotional farewell speech, Gray expressed gratitude to the Filipino people and shared how she 'conquered' three mountains in her journey toward the coveted Miss Universe crown.
"The five were identified by Conquer Challenge themselves, after having seen their potential, so I think they have a good chance.
Ultimately, "Divide and Conquer" offers useful lessons -- and maybe even a little hope -- for people on both sides of the national divide, about just how we came to this terrible, but not irreversible, place.
EA will be developing the remastered collection of "Command & Conquer" alongside Petroglyph Games, the same developer behind "Star Wars: Empire at War" and "Grey Goo," according to ( Polygon .
This year, the Kidney Cancer Association supported two awards through the Conquer Cancer Foundation.
Painting, music, theater, fashion, installation - the project "Night in the Museum - Conquer Night!" unites all kinds of art and creates a unique atmosphere.
The mountain was first conquered in winter on February 26, 2016 by Italy's Simone Moro, Pakistan's Ali Sadpara and Spain's Alex Txikon.
WHY YOU SHOULD CONQUER IT: It'll mean a lot more to her than you'd ever imagine.
However, according to the Talmudic statement above, they could freely conquer lands which had once belonged to Ammon and Moab but were currently under the control of the Amorite king Sihon.
CIBC Mellon said as part of employee fundraising for 2015 Shoppers Drug Mark OneWalk to Conquer Cancer, its employees hosted the second annual Tricycle Grand Prix to benefit the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.
I think the best way to conquer your fear is to face your fear, like for example I climb on to the summit of a mountain and look down, or see the view of a city from the top floor of a building.