
connect (up) to (someone or something)

1. To physically join people or things together. A noun or pronoun can be used between "connect" and "to." The handcuffs kept the thief connected to the chair as he was questioned. If you don't connect this piece to that one, the base will be lopsided.
2. To be involved in or linked to something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "connect" and "to." Once he became connected to that scandal, his political career was over.
3. To successfully access a connection to something, such as electricity or the Internet. A noun or pronoun can be used between "connect" and "to." I'm having a hard time connecting to the Wi-Fi here.
See also: connect

connect (up) with (someone or something)

1. To have a positive or meaningful connection with someone, often quickly. I just don't connect with those people—I doubt we have anything in common. I connected with Ashley immediately, and we've been best friends ever since.
2. To communicate with someone. I've been having a hard time connecting with Stephanie, since she's been out of the office every time I've tried to call her.
3. To form a relationship or a group. I'm sure you'll be able to connect with other photography enthusiasts in your new town.
See also: connect

connect the dots

1. Literally, to draw a line between dots, often as part of a children's activity to create an illustration or design. The kids are having fun connecting the dots and making pretty pictures for us.
2. To understand something by piecing together hints or other bits of information. Once I started to connect the dots, I realized that, if they hadn't called me by now, I probably wasn't getting the job.
See also: connect, dot

connect up

To attach or link something to something else. Let me just connect up these two cords, and then everything should be running again.
See also: connect, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

connect someone or something(up) to someone or something

 and connect someone or something (up) with someone or something 
1. Lit. to connect people or things in any combination, physically or by wires. The nurse connected Maggie up to the electrocardiograph. Eric connected the machine to the wall plug. The receptionist connected my call up to Susan.
2. Fig. to make a mental connection between people and things in any combination. I connected myself up to a person with similar interests. I often connect up Bob to sailing, because I first met him on a boat.
3. Fig. to argue that someone or something is linked to a criminal or a criminal act. I can connect Eric to the crime. The police connected the stolen goods to Susan.
See also: connect

connect (up) to something

to attach to something; to attach or link something to some electrical device or electrical signal. When we finish the house, we will connect up to the utilities. We have to connect to the Internet ourselves.
See also: connect

connect (up) with someone or something

1. to form an association with someone or a group. (The up is informal.) Let's connect up with some other people and form an organization through which we can express our views. We need to connect with like-minded people that can help us with our problems.
2. to meet with someone or a group; to communicate with someone or a group, especially over the telephone. I tried to connect up with Bob over the phone, but I could never reach him. We could not connect with the council to discuss these matters.
See also: connect

connect (with someone)

Fig. to meet someone; to talk to someone on the telephone. Let's try to connect on this matter tomorrow. We finally connected and discussed the matter fully over dinner.

connect (with the ball)

[for a batter] to hit a baseball. Wally connected for a double. He swung, but didn't connect with the ball.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

connect the ˈdots

(British English also join (up) the ˈdots) find or show the relationships between different things: It’s not hard to connect the dots between crime and poverty. ▶ connect-the-ˈdots adj.: a connect-the-dots article
See also: connect, dot
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

connect (with someone)

in. to meet someone; to talk to someone on the telephone. We connected over a drink and discussed the matter fully.
See also: connect, someone


See connect with someone

connect (with something)

in. [for a batter] to hit a ball. He swung but didn’t connect with the ball.
See also: connect, something


See connect with something
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

connect the dots

1. To draw connecting lines between a seemingly random arrangement of numbered dots so as to produce a picture or design.
2. To draw logical inferences connecting items of information to reveal something previously hidden or unknown.
See also: connect, dot
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • angle
  • angling
  • not do (someone or oneself) any favors
  • arch over
  • ask back
  • involve with
  • involve with (someone or something)
  • involved with
  • arrange for
  • arrange some music for
References in periodicals archive
This amazingly new technology has also a feature of connecting cell phone directly with device, simply connect this device via data cable and enjoy unlimited speed up to of 9.3 Mbps.
Arts brand Reeves is working alongside Connect to deliver sustained PR campaigns over the next 12 months
Based on Digi's recently introduced NS9210 ARM9 microprocessor, the Digi Connect ME 9210 will support the extended lifecycle of embedded products.
Agent Connect - To properly manage the effectiveness of each agent, Global Connect has designed the Agent Connect feature which allows managers and other supervisors to monitor in real-time the status of each agent and his or her productivity, as well as key performance metrics, such as right party contacts and promises to pay.
PMA Smart Connect will use that information like a search engine to find all sessions, exhibitors, events, and other attendees who correspond to your interests.
Key among these is the security of data traveling on the LAN to which a computer is connected. The only computers on that network were ones under the direct physical control of the LAN's owner; they were connected only to a LAN owned by such an entity.
highlight Connect to and then select Show all connections.
Replace the small hoses with larger ones (same diameter as the TCU pipe connection) and oversized quick connects to keep the pressure drop as low as possible.
A Sony affiliate, Label Gate, offers a download service called Mora, which works with SonicStage 3.2 software, and will re-launch its Connect service in autumn.
Home networks combine telecommunications, broadcasting, construction, appliances and software solutions together to link everything in a home and connect it with the rest of the world.
Job Connect is one of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' most successful initiatives.
(CMC), which is why managers of the company's Springfield, Mo., scrap recycling facility are glad they own a Fuchs MHL 350 scrap handler with the Quick Connect system.
Of course, Derris can also surf the Web or connect to the office at the same time, thanks to the home network.
To do so, I had to connect the video output of my video camera to a video projector so we could watch the performances on a large screen.
One of the most intelligent options is Nextel Direct Connect service, which all but created the push-to talk (PTT) market, causing mobile phone manufacturers and mobile phone carriers to sit up and take notice.