
  • (all) joking apart
  • (all) joking aside
  • a breed apart
  • apart from
  • be coming apart at the seams
  • be miles apart
  • be poles apart
  • be poles/worlds apart
  • come apart
  • come apart at the seams
  • come apart at the seams, to
  • come/fall apart at the seams
  • draw apart
  • drift apart
  • fall apart
  • fall apart at the seams
  • fly apart
  • grow apart
  • hack apart
  • joking apart/aside
  • keep (someone or something) apart
  • keep apart
  • live apart
  • live apart (from someone)
  • pick apart
  • poles apart
  • pull apart
  • rip (someone or something) apart
  • rip (someone or something) to bits
  • rip (someone or something) to pieces
  • rip (someone or something) to shreds
  • rip apart
  • rip somebody/something apart/to shreds, bits, etc.
  • set (someone, something, or oneself) apart (from someone or something)
  • set (something) apart (for something)
  • set apart
  • set apart from
  • stand apart
  • stand apart (from someone or something)
  • take apart
  • take someone or something apart
  • take someone/something apart
  • tear a place apart
  • tear apart
  • tear someone/something apart
  • tell (someone or something) apart
  • tell apart
  • tell people or things apart
  • tell things apart
  • use (one's) head for more than something to keep (one's) ears apart
  • use your head for more than a hatrack
  • worlds apart
  • yank apart
References in classic literature
All this was said apart. Perhaps a germ of love was springing in their hearts, so pure that it might blossom in Paradise, since it could not be matured on earth; for women worship such gentle dignity as his; and the proud, contemplative, yet kindly soul is oftenest captivated by simplicity like hers.
If some of the others were set apart, might not they be beautiful?
He kept apart from his fellow-travellers, knowing Mr.
Fogg apart, and said, "sir"--this "sir" scorched his lips, and he had to control himself to avoid collaring this "gentleman"--"sir, you have been very kind to give me a passage on this boat.
A video of a building partly breaking apart and crashing down has gone viral online.
Apart Audio is a competitor in full signal path functional and commercial and leisure audio solutions for small and mid-size venues including retail, food service, education, and small offices.
She said the employers, could among others, provide flexible working hours for married employees staying apart from their spouses, giving them more time to be with their families.
"Coming Apart" deftly explores the critical facets of relationship breakdowns including: Love myths: why we are really in relationships; The life span of love; How to get through the ending: How to create a personal workbook for finding resolution.
This year's Cinema One Originals' Best Picture award went to "Paglisan," which also earned three more wins - Best Screenplay for Carl and Aica Ganhinhin, Best Sound for Jess Carlos, and tied with "Never Tear Us Apart" for Best Music for Teresa Barrozo.
The latest accolade comes from Music Aid, the world's leading non-profit music organisation (in partnership with music giant iTunes.) Apart has been named Featured Overall International Winner and Best Original Song, with Neil named as Best Songwriter in Music Aid's 2017 awards.
If that can be done for him, what stops us from doing same for Achebe and other literary icons,' Chair, Local Organising Committee of the Things Fall Apart @ 60 celebrations in Nigeria, Dr.
The 2150 Acela Express Train cars broke apart around 11:20 a.m.
* Thin gloves to protect hands when prying components apart
This will break apart the stream and make two streams.