a number of

a number of (something)

Several (people or things). Don't worry, there are a number of options to choose from if this one doesn't appeal to you.
See also: number, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a number of

A collection of persons or things; several. For example, A number of tours are available, or We've visited a number of times. This idiom often is modified by an adjective giving some idea of quantity, as in Only a small number are going. [1300s] Also see any number of.
See also: number, of
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • a number of (something)
  • number of things or people
  • A number 1
  • number off
  • any number of
  • digit
  • double-deuces
  • do a number on, to
  • a number one
  • number one
References in classic literature
He made fine and accurate reproductions of a number of his "records," and then enlarged them on a scale of ten to one with his pantograph.
By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.
Here she displayed her ingenuity and industry in a variety of flowers and fruits, beautifully coloured, elegantly shaped, and charmingly flavoured; and we were diverted with innumerable animals presenting themselves perpetually to our view.--In the decline of the day, near Kentucke river, as we ascended the brow of a small hill, a number of Indians rushed out of a thick cane-brake upon us, and made us prisoners.
This promising beginning was soon overcast with a cloud of adversity; for upon the tenth day of October, the rear of our company was attacked by a number of Indians, who killed six, and wounded one man.
I remained with my family on Clench until the sixth of June,1774, when I and one Michael Stoner were solicited by Governor Dunmore, of Virginia, to go to the Falls of the Ohio, to conduct into the settlement a number of surveyors that had been sent thither by him some months before; this country having about this time drawn the attention of many adventurers.
Soon after I returned home, I was ordered to take the command of three garrisons during the campaign, which Governor Dunmore carried on against the Shawanese Indians: After the conclusion of which, the Militia was discharged from each garrrison, and I being relieved from my post, was solicited by a number of North-Carolina gentlemen, that were about purchasing the lands lying on the S.
I soon began this work, having collected a number of enterprising men, well armed.
During this dreadful siege, which threatened death in every form, we had two men killed, and four wounded, besides a number of cattle.
Harrod proposed to mount a number of horse, and furiously to rush upon the savages, who at this time fought with remarkable fury.
Logan, hastening to join us, with a number of well armed men: This powerful assistance we unfortunately wanted in the battle; for, notwithstanding the enemy's superiority of numbers, they acknowledged that, if they had received one more fire from us, they should undoubtedly have given way.
While the Ombudsman dismissed a number of the complaints, the report made recommendations on failures in blood pressure monitoring and in the wording of correspondence related to the case.
She stated that it was obvious that Resident A had been in that state for a number of hours.
Seabury Capital operates a number of specialty finance, investment banking, technology and software companies with a core focus anchored in aviation, aerospace & defense, maritime, and financial services/technology.
The IPCC established that the officer in the case took a number of steps including examining messages about the Pontypridd rocker exchanged between Ms Mjadzelics and Miss A.
THE investigation into World Cup bidding has seen a number of individuals having ethics cases opened against them, it has been announced.