answer to the description (of)

answer to the description (of)

To match a description of physical appearance. We had to release that suspect—he didn't answer to the description the witnesses gave us. She answers to the description of the missing girl.
See also: answer, description
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

answer to the description of someone

Fig. to match a particular set of physical or facial characteristics. Chuck answers to the description his sister gave us. The man in police custody answers to the description of the burglar.
See also: answer, description, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • answer to the description of
  • beggar description, to
  • beyond description
  • a blow-by-blow description
  • Trojan, he is a/works like a/a regular
  • tall, dark, and handsome
  • another kettle of fish
  • be another kettle of fish
  • hunt out
  • a different kettle of fish