

Extremely intoxicated with drugs or alcohol. Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You were really annihilated!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. very drunk; intoxicated with a drug. Pete and Gary went out and got annihilated.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • #dead
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • save someone's skin
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • other than
  • other than (something)
  • pillow-biter
References in periodicals archive
The disintegrated electron and positron quark-antiquark pairs, if they are excited but not annihilated, can form the weak particles [W.sup.-] and [W.sup.+].
But in the backdrop of ''Sri Lanka's boastful propaganda that the LTTE have been annihilated and destroyed, it is out historic duty to rise and fight for our legitimate rights,'' the statement said.
The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have to suffer much, and several nations will be annihilated."
Tampa got hit by one and the rest of Florida got annihilated by two others, one of which was a category five, the highest category on the hurricane destruction charts.
But the objects' functionality has been annihilated, for they were covered with sheaths of black adhesive leather, revealing the objects' shapes but mummifying them, as it were, while subjecting them to an act of negation.
Papers passed to the Cabinet assumed a massive nuclear attack which could have annihilated around a quarter of the population in the event of a Soviet strike.
Then, an environmental cataclysm annihilated Therapsids as well as 90 percent of all other plant and animal life.
Seven decades after Lillian Hellman's play The Children's Hour validated and annihilated lesbian desire in the same breath, Possession returns gay women to the back of the bus, relegating Blanche to the thankless role of the long-suffering, suicidal doormat.
Obviously, those who were the custodians of the law would have to be annihilated in order to bring about Cade's envisioned Communist utopia.
And I said a brief prayer for my mother's German family--both her parents and three of her four siblings perished when a bomb annihilated their home during World War II.
Here's why: As soon as a barber who's been annihilated by the NAS DAQ meltdown decides to raise his prices, cab drivers with margin calls to meet are likely to do the same.
And, from a theological point of view, Christianity has a profound view to offer: all creation is good, made by a good God, and will be returned to God at the end of time without being annihilated.
But because these entire groups of people have been annihilated, there is none left to tell about it.
Later, both tribes are annihilated in great Joshuan tradition.
that would one day be utterly annihilated and there would be a celebration in heaven."