annex to

annex (something) to

To legally join tracts of land. In order to make such drastic renovations to your home, you'll need to annex more land to your lot.
See also: annex
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

annex something to something

[for a governmental body of a town or city] to attach a parcel of land onto an existing parcel of land through legal proceedings. The village annexed some adjacent land to itself. The adjoining lot was annexed to the site to allow for a bigger building.
See also: annex

annex to something

[for the owner of a parcel of land] to have land attached to an adjacent town or city. Our community doesn't want to annex to Adamsville. The town voted to annex to the neighboring city of Smithton.
See also: annex
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • annex
  • annex (something) to
  • on (the) land
  • on land
  • no man's land
  • cede
  • cede (something) to (someone)
  • cede to
  • trespass on
  • trespass on (something)
References in periodicals archive
The Annex to the Decision defines factors used to characterise waste by gathering all the information needed for the safe long-term disposal of waste, and the essential requirements towards this end.