a nice little earner

nice little earner

A job or business that is very profitable. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. This photography gig that I got a few months ago turned out to be a nice little earner.
See also: earner, little, nice
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a nice little earner

If you describe something as a nice little earner, you mean that it is something that you can make money from easily. T-shirts are a nice little earner and it's better than the dole.
See also: earner, little, nice
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

a nice little earner

a profitable activity or business. British informal
1996 Independent Today's children know a nice little earner when they see one.
See also: earner, little, nice
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • earner
  • nice little earner
  • turn up trumps
  • come up trumps
  • come/turn up trumps
  • trump
  • chip
  • chips
  • up on (one's) ear
  • one of the boys
References in periodicals archive
There have always been academic disciplines where a degree is not a nice little earner.
This is a warts-and-all look at life in a women's prison Kim is fascinated by Vanessa's baby-bump India has settled herself into a nice little earner as a dealer in sweets
UK and Ireland president Ian Luney added: "Capacity has not been a nice little earner, it was absolutely essential to ensure we covered our costs." While confirming a PS9million profit in 2016, he said margins had "diminished" with the risk some costs would not be covered and warned of bankruptcy fears.
In the early 20th century that wily little wizard Lloyd George operated a nice little earner selling off titles.
'A NICE LITTLE EARNER' | Minder started life as a comedy thriller but |the scriptwriters toned down the violence to concentrate on comedy when they realised how stars George Cole and Dennis Waterman naturally reacted to each other.
I will say to all prospective landlords when the facility is empty it will be a nice little earner if turned into student accommodation - down the road from Coventry University and of course no council tax to pay.
Obviously recession is proving to be a nice little earner for the uppercrust and the banking spivs.
And they've turned terror into a nice little earner for former art teacher Ray Villafane.
It was a nice little earner for Jason Merrells, Jill Halfpenny and Angela Griffin back in the day.
A couple of weeks ago, I missed the chance of a nice little earner by betting on Swansea, Cardiff, Wrexham and Newport all winning.
"Amy agreed to do it because it was a nice little earner and didn't involve a lot of travel," the Sun quoted a source, as saying.
A nice little earner for the defunct MPs to step into when they're slung out on their backsides!
"Having said that the replay is a nice little earner for us.
They have developed a nice little earner in recent years at Meltham G&S with cabaret-style shows.
This show has been a nice little earner for our own Danny Cannon.