Someone spiked the fish chowder with
Angel Dust, sending 80 per cent of the cast and crew, including Cameron and star Barbarea Samuels and Wayne Grigsby, to the Dartmouth General Hospital for observation.
From sea to sea (Canadian films)
In other words, the story is not just about jazz, but is jazzy; and is not only about a cross-country trip, but is trippin' (note, for example, the signifying "
angel dust" of the letters' addressee).
Djbot Baghostus's Run
Drugs like marijuana and spray cans were around; now it's
angel dust and crack that devastate the mind and early make young men old, except that, because of the violence, few survive in any case.
Always Running La Vida Voca: Gang Days in L.A
Phencyclidine, primarily a central nervous system depressant, is the active ingredient of the drug called "
Angel Dust."(*) Chemically it is (1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)-piperidine) from which the acronym "PCP" was derived.
Phencyclidine = PCP = peace pill
Accurate diagnosis by a qualified psychiatrist is essential, because other psychotic conditions--those induced by such drugs as LSD or PCP ("
angel dust"), mania, depression, or organic brain disturbances--may mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia.
You are not alone: facts about mental health and mental illness
The comparison to PCP or "
angel dust," is also valid as similar symptoms including delusions and erratic behavior ( are reported by those who abuse it.
Can Cough Syrup Cause Hallucinations?
Sadistic program director Ajax henchwoman
Angel Dust transform Wade into a hideously deformed mutant with the power of self-healing.
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FORMER Special Forces operative Wade Wilson Ryan Reynolds) undergo a radical procedure to cancer but sadistic program director Ajax and henchwoman
Angel Dust transform him into a mutant the power of self-healing.
also showing
A recruiter from an experimental | Morena and Ryan star in program known as WeaponX invites Wade to undergo a radical procedure but sadistic program director Ajax and henchwoman
Angel Dust transform him into a hideously deformed mutant with the power of self-healing.
best of the rest
A recruiter from an experimental Morena and Ryan star in program known as WeaponX invites Wade to undergo a radical procedure but sadistic program director Ajax and henchwoman
Angel Dust transform him into a hideously deformed mutant with the power of self-healing.
best of the rest
A recruiter from an experimental | Morena and Ryan star in Deadpool program known as WeaponX invites Wade to undergo a radical procedure but sadistic program director Ajax and henchwoman
Angel Dust transform him into a hideously deformed mutant with the power of self-healing.
Kick-Ass, Ant-Man,'ll like this GIRLFRIEND Morena Baccarin with Reynolds ENEMY Gina Carano plays the evil
Angel Dust ENEMY Gina Carano plays the evil
Angel DustSuperhero is super sweary; Superhero is super sweary The Merc with the Mouth shakes up comic book films with a bonkers and violent solo debut
And then, verily, from on high,
angel dust was sprinkled on my disbelieving head.
From Spandau to ballet
All these angels fly on a lustrous background that ranges from deep blue to turquoise; each one trails "
angel dust" of shimmering metallic particles in her wake.
That's Space Dust, by the way, not
angel dust, as I initially recalled it.
Pioneer blazes a new trail for food lovers; TasteTest Mark Waddington goes all Mediterranean in Crosby eaterie