To go missing suddenly and without warning. "AWOL" is an acronym for "absent without leave." It is originally a military phrase for one who leaves their post or duties without permission but without intention to desert. The printer from the third floor has gone AWOL—does anyone know where it went? Jerry went AWOL after a few drinks. None of us even knew he had left until half an hour later.
See also: AWOL, go
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
to become absent without leave. (Originally military.) Private Smith went AWOL last Wednesday. Now he's in a military prison. Tom went AWOL and finally we had to fire him.
See also: AWOL, go
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
go ˈAWOL
go missing without permission or explanation: He’s gone AWOL. The guitarist suddenly went AWOL in the middle of the tour.This expression is used in the armed forces when someone has left their group without permission. It stands for Absent WithOut Leave.
See also: AWOL, go
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- leave (one) to (one's) own devices
- leave one to own devices
- leave somebody to their own devices
- leave someone to their own devices
- leave to own devices
- leave to someone's own devices
- make do
- go without
- carry on without
- carry on without (someone or something)