The three key elements of the proposals are to update planning policy on the use of
conditions, a package of measures to improve how councils discharge
conditions and clarification on the fees that can be charged for the discharging of
Proposed changes to planning conditions
The numerator of the AF predicts expenditures (y) using observed
conditions and subtracts from that predicted expenditures setting the
condition of interest ([d.sub.i]) to zero and leaving all other covariates and
conditions as they are in the data.
Use of econometric models to estimate expenditure shares
In light of the above problems and the Westpac decision (in which the transaction was not structured as a loan), one might wonder whether the IRS should move away from a standard based on whether an obligation is subject to a
condition subsequent or precedent.
Retail cash advances: loans or income?
Conditions for Boron Nitride Use with Magnesium
Developing coatings for Mg: a permanent mold coating traditionally used with aluminum has been optimized for use with magnesium
The fifth and final
condition allows only the minimum variance necessary to provide relief be granted.
Making sense of zoning regulations: the process
Since 150[degrees]C was not a severe aging
condition for this material, increasing the temperature and time intervals for the test might provide a better response separation.
Compression set vs. compression stress relaxation
The court disagreed, finding that the term "mental illness" was "ambiguous in that it could reasonably refer either to illnesses with nonphysical causes, or to illnesses with physical causes, but exhibiting both physical and non-physical symptoms." Applying the rule of contra proferentem, the court adopted the reasonable interpretation advanced by Lang, which is that the phrase "mental illness" does not include mental
conditions resulting from physical disorders.
Cause or sympton? Two key court decisions define the limitations of mental illness insurance claims
Another serious health
condition involving continuing treatment by a health care provider is described as a "period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a
condition for which treatment may not be effective." (31) The employee or family member must be under the continuing supervision of a health care provider but not necessarily be receiving active treatment.
The Family and Medical Leave Act: impact on the law enforcement employer
"Our environmental medicine clinic has several hundred patients who have this disorder, and we have not made any progress in ways to evaluate and manage them that has led to any sustainable improvements in their
condition," he said.
Abdiction/addiction connection
* Make available a method of determining the Facilities
Condition Index (FCI) of each building, each campus, and the institution as a whole for benchmarking purposes.
Maintenance crunch: two architects show how IHEs can avoid costly mistakes by using a facilities-assessment approach to maintaining campus buildings
While the compound didn't appear to work for that purpose, it was sufficiently promising in other ways that Pfizer launched a trial to test it against angina, chest pains that signal a dangerous heart
Potent medicine: can Viagra and other lifestyle drugs save lives?
(ii) obtain information on the
condition of the bank and its subsidiaries and offices through regular examination reports, audit reports, or otherwise;
Orders issued under International Banking Act
Results suggested that the 90% known
condition led to the highest percentage of on-task behavior and the highest retention, but required much more time to complete.
Effect of drill ratios on recall and on-task behavior for children with learning and attention difficulties
A 2 x 2 factorial design was used in a CER paradigm in lever press response with rats, one factor being the pre-exposure
condition (pre-exposure or no-pre-exposure) and the other the intensity of the foot-shock employed as the US during conditioning (high or low).
Latent inhibition as a function of US intensity in a two-stage CER procedure
Nevertheless, the description answers many questions and fills many gaps in the knowledge about this region that seems to continue to undergo a
condition of traumatized transitionality much longer than any other region in the world.