
Related to bread: Bread pudding, rice


slang Money. I barely make enough bread to pay my rent each month, let alone pay for something like health insurance.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. money. I need to get some bread to live on.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (one's) daily bread
  • a bread-and-butter letter
  • a little bit of bread and no cheese
  • below the breadline
  • bread
  • bread always falls on the buttered side
  • bread and butter
  • bread and circuses
  • bread and water
  • bread is the staff of life
  • bread-and-butter letter
  • breadbasket
  • break bread
  • break bread with
  • break bread with (someone)
  • brown bread
  • butter (one's) bread on both sides
  • cast (one's) bread upon the waters
  • Cast bread upon the waters
  • cast one's bread upon the waters, to
  • cast your bread upon the waters
  • cornbread
  • earn (one's) daily bread
  • eat the bread of idleness
  • greatest thing since indoor plumbing
  • greatest thing since sliced bread
  • greatest thing since sliced bread, the
  • half a loaf is better than no bread
  • half a loaf is better than none/no bread
  • have (one's) bread buttered on both sides
  • have your bread buttered on both sides
  • heavy bread
  • know on which side your bread is buttered
  • know what/which side of the bread is buttered (on), to
  • know which side (one's) bread is buttered (on)
  • know which side bread is buttered on
  • know which side of (one's) bread is buttered
  • know which side of one's bread is buttered
  • know which side your bread is buttered
  • loaf of bread
  • long bread
  • man cannot live by bread alone
  • man does not live by bread alone
  • sliced bread
  • someone's bread and butter
  • take the bread out from people's mouths
  • take the bread out of (one's) mouth
  • take the bread out of people's mouths
  • take the bread out of someone's mouth
  • the best thing since sliced bread
  • the greatest thing since sliced bread
  • want (one's) bread buttered on both sides
  • want your bread buttered on both sides
  • white-bread
  • your bread and butter
  • your daily bread
References in classic literature
Diana (I knew her by the long curls which I saw drooping between me and the fire as she bent over me) broke some bread, dipped it in milk, and put it to my lips.
"Not too much at first--restrain her," said the brother; "she has had enough." And he withdrew the cup of milk and the plate of bread.
John, at last, "let her sit there at present, and ask her no questions; in ten minutes more, give her the remainder of that milk and bread. Mary and Diana, let us go into the parlour and talk the matter over."
Poor Ferko ate up the scrap of bread they had left him and wept bitterly, but no one heard him or came to his help.
The suitors applauded the bard, whereon Minerva went up to Ulysses and prompted him to beg pieces of bread from each one of the suitors, that he might see what kind of people they were, and tell the good from the bad; but come what might she was not going to save a single one of them.
As he spoke he drew the stool on which he rested his dainty feet from under the table, and made as though he would throw it at Ulysses, but the other suitors all gave him something, and filled his wallet with bread and meat; he was about, therefore, to go back to the threshold and eat what the suitors had given him, but he first went up to Antinous and said:
On this Ulysses began to move off, and said, "Your looks, my fine sir, are better than your breeding; if you were in your own house you would not spare a poor man so much as a pinch of salt, for though you are in another man's, and surrounded with abundance, you cannot find it in you to give him even a piece of bread."
As for bread, you can get enough of that to fill your belly, by begging about the town, and letting those give that will."
Cut the bread to fit the tin and place 1/3 in the base.
The product is said to be South Africas first and only non-GMO, low-GI bread that is naturally high in energy, protein and omega-3.
No influences on specific volume and hardness on the day of baking were found for gluten-free sourdough breads. The staling rate (N/day) declined in the buckwheat sample from 8 [+ or -] 2 to 6 [+ or -] 2 N/day, and in teff sourdough bread from 13 [+ or -] 1 to 10 [+ or -] 4 N/day.
In traditional households, bread is broken into pieces by hand because the act of cutting it with a knife would be like raising a sword against God's blessing.
Any way you slice it, packaged bread and other commercial baked goods, staples though they may be, are hardly the most exciting items on grocery shelves -- but some retailers and manufacturers are seeking to change that perception by letting shoppers lead the way.
Suitable for small kitchens, this gadget perfect for those who want to prepare a small bread or cake - it only makes a 450g loaf.
True Grains Purple Wheat Raisin bread is a sweet, nutty tasting low-fat bread that contains antioxidants, the same nutrients that are found in blueberries, which gives the bread a natural purple hue.