Brain dead" donors are continuously monitored and specific physiological targets are set--a "
brain dead" should exhibit a heart rate of 60-120/min, systolic blood pressure of 100-160 mmHg, and an urine output of 50-100 ml/hr (11).
"BRAIN DEATH", AUTONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION/Muerte cerebral, autonomia y el futuro del trasplante de organos/"Morte cerebral", autonomia e o futuro do transplante de orgaos
"It is about gifting life, as a
brain dead person's organs die within hours of life support being switched off.
Unified GCC policy on organ donation urged
It is the first case in which a donor under 6 years old has been declared
brain dead since the revised organ transplant law took effect in July 2010 to cover children under age 15, requiring tougher brain-death criteria for those under 6.
Transplant of boy's heart, liver, kidneys completed
And if you're proclaimed
brain dead, then you have lost all your constitutional rights, and they can turn the ventilator off forever, or they can keep it going, and there's no time limit.
Transplant community outraged over inuendo-laden article in WSJ questioning brain death protcols
This does not comport with the overwhelming amount of expert medical opinion that Tara was
brain dead for an extraordinary period of time.
Mechanical life support withdrawn after patient gave birth
The Saudi centre will present cash rewards to relatives of donors and clinically
brain dead patients.
Bahrain, Saudi in organ transplant deal
Last night friend and fellow Chelsea fanatic David Mellor said the peer was "to all intents and purposes
brain dead".
Tony Banks 'brain dead' after stroke; EX-MP STRUCK DOWN ON HOL
Gupta, we should explain again, in your--medically, is a
brain dead person dead?
Organ donation without brain death?
Can Myfanwy King (Viewpoints, September 6) produce qualifications to enable her to say that 'white van men' are
brain dead? No, never mind.
Viewpoints 'Van men' not all bad drivers
Terri is not "
brain dead," as headlines and news stories describe her.
Court-ordered euthanasia: euthanasia advocates claim it is not a crime to kill as long as the victims cannot speak for themselves
BRITISH bomb victim Graham Carter today faced fresh heartache -after learning that his fiancee was
brain dead.
A drop in donors as a result of the growing debate about the use of anaesthetic when removing organs of '
brain dead' people would be 'a tragedy', the Department of Health said yesterday.
'Pain row could put off donors'
On Monday, Kyorin doctors determined that the woman was clinically
brain dead, and informed the Organ Transplant Network and her family later that day.
Multiple organ transplants finished as kidney replaced
The detainee had been arrested and transported to the county detention center and the following day was declared
brain dead. During his booking the detainee was acting irrationally, his speech was slurred, and he kept repeating in an intoxicated manner "I can't believe this is all over a traffic ticket." He was then taken to a cell and strip searched, but at the conclusion of the search attempted to crawl out of the cell and a struggle ensued.
The mother, who was 30, was certified as
brain dead shortly after being admitted with a brain haemorrhage.
Dead mum gives birth