Subsequently, human zonulin, a physiological mediator in 47 kDa protein structure which regulates the permeability of intestinal TJ and acts as an agent of innate immunity, was isolated as a homolog of
zot. Intestinal TJ dysfunction and upregulation of zonulin were found to be the primary defects in these diseases (4).
The Relationship between Serum Zonulin Level and Clinical and Laboratory Parameters of Childhood Obesity
All responses that did not address research question #1 or directly indicated that the Naturum experience was not a part of a motivation or inspiration for a direct experience of nature were noted as outside the narrow ZOT.
Those responses that emerged without interviewer prompting indicated success within a narrow ZOT. When a participant provided an affirmative response to the prompt question regarding motivation for outdoor experience, indicated a conditional narrow ZOT.
Inspiring the outdoor experience: Does the path through a nature center lead out the door?
These are rapidly growing, heterogeneous, metaphyseal lesions that show cortical destruction, aggressive periostitis, and a wide
ZOT. Osseous matrix formation is the norm and a soft tissue component is often present.
Bone tumors and tumor-like conditions of bone
Drawing on the scientific name for tight junctions, the investigators dubbed the bacterial protein zonula occludens toxin, or Zot. They also identified the protein on intestinal cells to which Zot binds, triggering the loosening of the tight junctions.
To confirm that the human intestine produces this protein, the scientists obtained various tissues from a cadaver and screened them for zonulin by using antibodies that latch onto Zot. As expected, intestinal tissue contained the protein, but so did heart, brain, and a few other tissues.
Loosen Up
Thereby, without saying so, she quotes a Dutch proverb, namely, "Eene wijze vrouw is tweewerf
zot."(18) Using similar wordings, Geillyaert notes in the margin of his translation (fol.
Dutch proverbs and ancient sources in Erasmus's 'Praise of Folly.'