The A- Team actually seems clear about its target audience base: video game-
zonked teenagers who love to stare at a screen that keeps non- stop action coming.
Junk food feast for lovers of action
But not every retailer has to get
zonked by the Wal-Mart experience.
The only thing to fear...: before Wal-Mart even thinks about coming to town, savvy grocers can fight back by introducing their own unique and well-developed merchandising and expansion programs. (Nonfoods Talk)
As long as we don't get
zonked out on sentimental detritus.
Mood Sonnet #10
But I think the genius of the Gurus concept is that it promotes a 'wholesome funkiness.' The kids aren't
zonked out on drugs and they're not destroying themselves, and when you ask if they like working at Gurus, the response is always the same, 'Oh, I love it!' That's not because they get paid a lot either; it's because of the quality of the other kids with whom they work."
Local Ad Agencies Launch Anti-tobacco Campaign
Each of some 2,200 folks allegedly forked over $1,000 for a chance to eat the Sheraton Hotel and Towers buffet, get
zonked at the open bar, mingle for an hour and watch the perfectly coiffed women elbow their way to the front of the blue rope to witness the Republican Love-In.
Political gridlock is taking over New York
"I was
zonked. When someone with Alzheimer's is home, you don't sleep many nights.
A family affair
Listen to what he or she says and avoid getting
zonked. (Just kidding!) Fact is, you do need to learn a few things.
Groovy Game!
Failure at any of these tasks can mean getting
zonked on student evaluations and, consequently, failing as a professor.
Experience isn't everything
And it's not in the mainstream media; you can get totally
zonked there.
Adrienne Rich: 'I happen to think poetry makes a huge difference.' (Interview)
Lizzie Borden was acctually acquitted of murdering her parents, mainly because she was
zonked out on laudanum while they were being chopped into cutlets.
False history, gas chambers, blue smoke, and cracked mirrors
She wrote songs, kept a journal, but soon grew tired of finding Buckingham on the living room rug
zonked out from smoking hash.
Unauthorized biography of Stevie Nicks goes its own way
zonked bonker Dominic had been boozing for 12 hours
Platform sex student: It was just 90 seconds of madness; EXCLUSIVE
Is that why there's so many mass shootings in America - because the perpetrators are legally
zonked out of their minds?
I was
zonked out of my skull since I had stayed up very late the previous night, and I couldn't function.
Road rage at the traffic light
Later, suitably
zonked, he tries to break into the locked building to retrieve it and ends up slashing his hand.
The man with the golden pen