zero-sum game

zero-sum game

A situation, process, competition, or outcome in which the winner's gain is exactly equal to the loser's loss. Poker is a zero-sum game because the amount of money won by one player is equivalent to the amount lost by the other players.
See also: game
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a zero-sum game

If a situation is a zero-sum game, the advantage that one person gains from it must have an equal disadvantage for someone else. The idea that foreign investment is a zero-sum game — that one country's gain is another's loss — is mistaken. Note: Other nouns are sometimes used instead of game. According to Reed, employee benefits are a zero-sum gain. If costs for one benefit rise, it's often at the expense of another, such as paid vacation and health insurance. Note: A zero-sum game is one in which the winnings and losses of all the players add up to zero.
See also: game
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
See also:
  • a zero-sum game
  • skin game
  • when the chips are down
  • chips are down, the
  • in sum
  • hole card
  • a hole card
  • paint
  • paint card
  • ante in
References in periodicals archive
In a zero-sum game, product differentiation begins to wane, commoditization increases and there's competitive pressure on both pricing and underwriting to make concessions.
Some of the RFRA claims that will undoubtedly follow Hobby Lobby will involve zero-sum games. Game theorists define a zero-sum game as "an endeavor in which the net result is zero.
Ukrainians see tens of thousands of Russian troops across their border and know they are looking down the barrel of quite a zero-sum game.
In testimony last week to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Burgess said, "Tehran sees competition for influence in Iraq as a zero-sum game--for Tehran to win, the US has to lose." In the United States, to say someone views reality as a zero-sum game amounts to an insult; it says that person really doesn't know much about the world.
Among the topics are the next west, coyote commons, Glacier National Park, water in the Rockies as a zero-sum game, life among the pine beetles, what Colorado can learn from the Samso experiments, the changing rules of energy finance, homegrown security, and green city leadership.
His assertion makes it seem as if the time we have is a zero-sum game and there's nothing we can do about it.
It proves that linguistic management in education is not a zero-sum game. By introducing multilingual education in Central Asia, you are proving that majority and minority languages can thrive side by side and need not develop at the expense of each other," Vollebaek said.The countries taking part in the conference - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - committed to devote particular attention to the training of minority-language teachers for national minority schools."I warmly welcome this renewed commitment," Vollebaek said.
"Moscow should rethink its strategy of international relations as a zero-sum game, which in my mind is reminiscent of the 1970s superpower politics.
Hoping to move past the tiresome zero-sum game bantered between the two, Embracing Mind strives to focus upon what really matters to us all - the understanding of reality.
Life, and the business of life, is not a zero-sum game. The fact that one person prospers does not mean that someone else is left the poorer for it.
The bigger picture here that executives must be mindful of is that economic competition over the world's resources and raw materials is quickly becoming a zero-sum game in which whatever China can lock down will be denied to the U.S.
The world is not a zero-sum game, where wealth is a pie that never grows.
Looking forward in the American market, he thinks that there will undoubtedly be growth in the B segment, but that because the market is, in his view, a zero-sum game, that growth will come at the expense of other segments, such as light trucks and full-size SUVs.
We should be competing to lock up supplies and diversifying and exploring new technologies." Berman argued that as resources become scarcer there is no way to avoid a zero-sum game. "We have to approach this through the lens of the haves and have-nots," he declared.
"But retirement is not a zero-sum game. There are a lot of Americans that have not met their retirement needs yet, that aren't working with a financial specialist to help them get there."