you see that?" exclaimed Aydan Kizildrgli, a student from Turkey who had also been snarled in traffic.
Getting the facts straight: a growing number of people have been led to believe that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11. However, in this case the "official version" of events is irrefutable
That is obviously going to create a major player in NYC and I am wondering what type of impact
you see for your firm or just for the market itself.
First quarter review
He would take a rock from me and skip it so the water would ripple and ask me, '
You see how that water did that?
The River Jericho
At the same time
you see Best Buy coming into the marketplace.
Annual review & forecast
you see the strong dollar affecting New York retailers?
How markets varied in a robust quarter
"If you look at a frontal mass cross-section of the plane,
you see a cylinder of aluminum skin with stringers.
9-11 conspiracy fact & fiction: an abundance of sensational and irrational conjecture about the September 11 terrorist attacks is being used to discredit any consideration of conspiracy in general
you see leasing increase and sublease space drop like it did this year, that's an indication that the business community has confidence again, and future progress is likely.
Momentum gathers in Fairfield's commercial market
I think it's true of all great artists that the more
you see, the more you want to see.
Balanchine: through the eyes of choreographers now
For the argument that the telescope exemplifies the transition from a traditional understanding that reality is what
you see to a modern definition of reality as that which is invisible, see Blumenberg, 617-74.
Reading through Galileo's Telescope. Margaret Cavendish and the Experience of Reading [*]
how, whether metaphorically or literally, "
you see things," and
Unless you see do fur, a mink skin ain't no different from a coon hide." (Hurston, Their Eyes 7)
When Janie explains to her friend Pheoby the reason that simply telling her story will not suffice, why she needs to provide the "'understandin' to go 'long wid it,'" she employs a metaphor of vision: Unless you see the fur, you can't tell a mink from a coon.
"The porch couldn't talk for looking": Voice and Vision in 'Their Eyes Were Watching God.'(Zora Neale Hurston)(Critical Essay)
you see, the Afghan people have suffered more than I can describe and certainly more than you can imagine.
We have already suffered 20 years of war