dust (one's) pants
dust (one's) pants
slang To spank (strike on the buttocks) one, typically a child, as punishment. No, I need to go home now because my dad said that he'll dust my pants if I disobey him again.
See also: dust, pant
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
dust someone's pants
Sl. to spank someone, usually a child. My dad will dust my pants if he hears about this. I'm too old for somebody to dust my pants.
See also: dust, pant
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
dust someone’s pants
tv. to spank someone, usually a child. My dad will dust my pants if he hears about this.
See also: dust, pant
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- dust pants
- dust someone’s pants
- tan (one's) hide
- tan hide
- tan someone's hide
- poop (one's) pants
- duster
- Necessity knows no law
- cream (one's) pants
- cream one’s pants