

slang Having a physique characterized by very large and well-defined muscles. Did you see the guy over by the volleyball court? Dude is totally yoked. It was my goal to spend the summer lifting weights and getting yoked.
See also: yoke
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. having well-marked abdominal muscles; have heavy muscles. That guy is really yoked. I wonder how much he works out.
See also: yoke
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • yoked up
  • jacked out
  • muscleman
  • shredded
  • washboard abs
  • bod
  • dad bod
  • dooded
  • dude up
  • duded up
References in classic literature
As I was returning to my village I fell in on the road with this good dame, and the devil who makes a coil and a mess out of everything, yoked us together.
They become accustomed to where they are fed, where they are yoked and unyoked, and where you generally stop the lessons for the day and head for home.
The white yokes were brought back in 1964 but lasted only two seasons, while a type of yoked shirt was used in 1983-84.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Sadly, we can be yoked to guilty fear and insecurity, and there seems no way of escape.
The beginning of doing justice is the removal of what binds the people as if they are like cattle yoked to labor overseen by a self-serving owner.
In medieval manuscripts, the plough is often depicted as drawn by a pair of oxen yoked together.