
Related to yield: Yield to maturity, Yield curve, Yield sign

yield the ghost

To die. Based on the idea that one's spirit leaves the body when one dies. More commonly expressed in the phrase "give up the ghost." Susie called me in tears when grandma yielded the ghost after her long illness. Well, if the mechanic can't work his magic this time, it looks like Marshall's car will finally yield the ghost.
See also: ghost, yield

yield to (someone or something)

1. To allow someone or something to move in front of or before oneself; to give someone or something the right of way. This sign means you have to yield to oncoming traffic. I could have gone first, but I decided to yield to them because they were carrying such a heavy load.
2. To submit or give in to someone or something; to relinquish victory to someone or something. He yielded to his opponent after being put in a chokehold. We will never yield to enemy forces—we will fight until there isn't a single one of us left standing!
3. To allow oneself to be convinced, persuaded, overcome, etc., by some person or force. I managed to stay off cigarettes for about a week before finally yielding to temptation. I hadn't meant for things to go so far on our first date, but I couldn't help but yield to his charming words and smoldering eyes.
4. To allow someone or something to have or take something; to sacrifice, concede, or relinquish something to someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "yield" and "to." Remember to yield right-of-way to the other driver if you're stopped at a stop sign. I was forced to yield the land to the banks because of the mortgage my father had taken out on it during the recession.
See also: yield

yield to pressure

To give into outside forces urging someone to do something. Sally wasn't even going to apply for that boring job, but she yielded to pressure from her mother and submitted her resume nonetheless.
See also: pressure, yield

yield up (to someone or something)

To concede or relinquish something to someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "yield" and "up." The criminal kept the employees hostage for nearly six hours before finally yielding them up. I was forced to yield up the land up to the banks because of the mortgage my father had taken out on it during the recession.
See also: someone, up, yield
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

yield someone or something (over) (to someone or something)

to give up someone or something to someone or something. (The over is typically used where the phrase is synonymous with hand over.) You must yield Tom over to his mother. Will you yield the right-of-way to the other driver, or not? Please yield the right-of-way to me.

yield someone or something up (to someone)

to give someone or something up to someone. He had to yield his daughter up to Claire. The judge required that Tom yield up his daughter to his ex-wife. Finally, he yielded up the money.
See also: up, yield

yield something to someone

1. . to give the right-of-way to someone. You must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. You failed to yield the right-of-way to the oncoming car. 2. to give up something to someone. The army yielded the territory to the invading army. We yielded the territory to the government.
See also: yield

yield to someone

1. to let someone go ahead; to give someone the right-of-way. Please yield to the next speaker. She yielded to the next speaker.
2. to give in to someone. She found it hard to yield to her husband in an argument. I will yield to no one.
See also: yield
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

yield to

1. To give oneself up to someone, as in defeat: The platoon chose to fight to the end and would not yield to the enemy.
2. To give way to some pressure or force: The door yielded to a gentle push.
3. To give way to some argument, persuasion, influence, or entreaty: I'm dieting, but I sometimes yield to temptation and eat a cookie.
4. To give up one's place, as to one that is superior: The moderator opened the conference and then yielded to the chairperson.
See also: yield

yield up

To sacrifice or concede something: The inhabitants of the city yielded it up to the invaders without a fight. I sometimes dream of yielding up the comfort of modern society to live in a cabin in the woods. The boxer held the heavyweight title for three years and then yielded it up to a young contender.
See also: up, yield
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • yield the ghost
  • beck and call
  • give up the ghost
  • give up the ghost, to
  • a penny for them
  • be twiddling (one's) thumbs
  • be twiddling your thumbs
  • (as) sure as eggs (is eggs)
  • but for the grace of God
  • 57
References in periodicals archive
The 30-year bond yielded 1.955% and will likely close below the three-month bill yield for the first time since 2007.
Fixed income traders see a 10-year rate below the two-year yield as an important recession indicator.
While the absolute yield on offer is not as exciting as on Emerging Market USD bonds, the relatively low volatility of this type of bonds per unit of yield is very attractive, in our view.
Search for yield, but mind the landmines We have been here before low and falling government bonds yields can trigger a rush to add risk in order to lock in a relatively higher level of yield.
Pearson correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis: Pearson correlations among yield and yield contributing components were calculated using replicate values.
For each yield component, the sum of direct and indirect coefficients via other yield components equals the correlation coefficient of this yield component with grain yield.
The movement of the Eurobond yields thus indicates investors were not spoked by the terror attack in Nairobi on Tuesday, mirroring the reaction in the local market where the shilling remained steady against the dollar and the NSE closed the week 2.1 percent higher.
These yields, however, do not affect the interest that Kenya is paying on the existing Eurobonds, given that they came with a fixed coupon.
Likewise, 6KCC-122 produced a seed yield that was 13% and 28% higher as compared with the check varieties CM-2000and Noor-91, respectively in regular chickpea yield trial as shown in Table3.
In Gyeongsan site, CP yield in hairy vetch mixture was higher with 100 kg N/ha than that of control and 50 kg N/ha but not different with 150 kg N/ha level, whereas at Angang site, nitrogen levels did not affect (P>0.05) protein yield in rye-hairy vetch mixture.
Hakim's visual interpretation of the data is that Western Europe and US yield trend lines are not different from one another.
In the earlier work, Fama (1975, 1977 and 1990) found the nominal interest rates leading the movements in US inflation during 1953-71 and yield spread being the "best single predictor of inflation".
Which Asean country achieved the highest absolute yield increase since 1986?
The grain yield is directly and indirectly influenced by these factors and the main aim of a breeder is to estimate the extent and kind of association between grain yield and is contributing traits.
Treasury Action: yields pulled back from highs after the flat reading on NAHB HMI, though the DJIA has just joined the other indices in the green after being dented by Boeing.