These were the ambitious youths of the race, at
work with an earnestness that put to shame the conventional student life of most educational institutions.
Up From Slavery
"These workers bring an increased number of ailments that they'll continue to
work with, and employers are putting more emphasis on wellness programs and disease management.
Working warriors: the growing number of people working beyond common retirement ages offers new opportunities for disability carriers and other insurers
In addition to longtime collaborators like Black and visual artist Ralph Lee (she has been working with his aluminum cubes since 1999), young choreographers and dancers are eager to
work with her.
The magic pilgrim: intuition, humor, and a unique perspective inspire Yoshiko Chuma's work
Operation lob Match and MITE both
work with employers to help create placement options.
Can a phone line make your career?
I'm thinking here neither of the activities of Fred Wilson, Renee Green, and Mark Dion, who tend to
work with historical objects outside of art museums, nor of the activities of artists like Jeremy Deller, who organize events as curators might, but rather of projects where the artist is more straightforwardly the curator of artworks.
Strange bedfellows: Mark Godfrey on the artist as curator
Megill describes himself as both a "published professional philosopher" and a "transformer of organizations and people." Much of the inspiration for this book comes from Megill's
work with the U.S.
New ways to think about work
work with field scientists to implement a variety of ecological research and monitoring projects on federal agency land.
Mutual benefits of teacher/scientist partnerships
Understanding the relationship between stress and distress can allow vocational personnel to
work with consumers in finding positions that maximize productivity and minimize the experience of distress (Steinfeld & Danford, 1999).
Work-related stress and the Demand-Control-Support framework: implications for the P x E fit model
We applied these many considerations in our
work with Don.
Career counseling with clients who have a severe mental illness
Most of us who aren't desperately fighting for life right now might have some ability to
work with some of our time.
Returning to work after disability; what you should know
Social work, steeped in individualism, has fewer theoretical or practical insights into how to
work with people who are strongly collectivist.
Principles of social work practice in the Muslim Arab world
work with a different purpose and audience is a new study of 19th century domestic servants in Belgium by Valerie Piette.
Domestic Service and Gender, 1660-1750: Life and Work in the London Household & Domestique et servante. Des vies sous condition: Essai sur le travail domestique en Belgique au 19e siecle. (Reviews)
"I have a high desire to give back to the community, and I wanted to
work with a different client base," says Matthews, 40.
Work was something that was very far off, unrealistic, maybe they'd like to
work with children, be a physician.
The Hassle Factor
He was known for his
work with foundry sand control.
A Look Back at the 20th century..