work toward

work toward (something)

1. To expend the time, effort, and energy required to reach or achieve some particular goal or position. Sarah's been working toward a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. I'm really working toward a promotion at the moment, so I've kind of let my social life go by the wayside.
2. To exert oneself physically in order to reach or move in the direction of someone or something. The conditions were become worse by the second, but I had to keep working toward the campsite.
3. To exert oneself physically in the attempt to move something in the direction of someone or something, especially very slowly or in incremental degrees. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "work" and "to." We all helped to work the giant stone slab toward the bed of the truck. I was on my own, so I just took my time and worked the old washing machine toward the curb.
See also: toward, work
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

work toward something

1. . to progress toward a goal, such as a promotion. He was working toward a position with the new company. She was working toward a law degree when the accident happened.
2. . to struggle physically to move toward something or some place. The turtle worked toward the water despite the hot sun. I worked toward the cabin in the forest, fighting mosquitoes all the way.
See also: toward, work
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

work toward

1. To exert oneself in order to achieve some goal: I enrolled in college last year and I am working toward a degree in medicine.
2. To move something or someone in the direction of something or someone by exerting effort: I caught a large fish on my line and slowly worked it toward the boat.
See also: toward, work
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • work toward (something)
  • expend on
  • expend (something) on (someone or something)
  • expend
  • expend (something) for (something)
  • expend for
  • bother about
  • bother about (someone or something)
  • bother with
  • bother with (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
The meetings discussed issues related to works and activities of the center, as well as the joint Arab work toward achieving sustainable agricultural development and maximizing the use of the center and its efforts in implementing important projects, activities and studies.
BEIRUT: Future bloc leader MP Fouad Siniora urged Lebanon and Cyprus Tuesday to work toward a resolution over the boundaries of Lebanon's Exclusive Economic Zone.
I am going to continue with ideas for students to work toward developing the criteria on which to base good work and eliminating my influence on their perception of acceptable work.
The real problem facing our industry is our overall inability to look and work toward the future.
Without a mandatory compliance deadline, not-for-profit organizations can structure their control assessment activities over more than one fiscal period and work toward a state of certification readiness in a Less compressed time frame than that faced by corporations.
At 41, you still have about 20 years to work toward saving for your retirement.
The grant is not intended to be used to pursue course work toward a degree, for travel funds or for ongoing projects.
"I think what that has to mean is that we work toward a multiple platform, flexible import standard with a simple mapping routine where you can very easily map over without reconfiguring your data.
Backed by such names as Marks & Spencer, Monoprix, Versace, and Prada, UNEP executive director Klaus Topfer announced a new initiative in June 2003 focused on changing consumer attitudes toward consumption and influencing the $7 trillion global retail industry to work toward sustainability.
The move was sparked by mid-year improvements in the financial sector, but the government must still work toward restructuring the banks and spurring domestic consumption.
"This is part of our participation in the Anglican Church of Canada's mission to work toward healing and reconciliation with our aboriginal brothers and sisters," he said.
Perhaps the delays that the legislative process engenders will, in this case, work toward mitigating a rush to judgment.
Immediately following the Capstone, the students begin the final year of work toward the Master of Medical Management degree.
Obviously, we can't have that, and so I think we've got to work toward zero.
They agreed to work toward peace and reunification.