WHETHER you have a complaint about a payday lender or any other financial firm, the first step is to contact them directly to try and
work the problem out.
Making a complaint to the ombudsman
"We didn't
work the problem, because we didn't have to."
Risking it all: William Teel snags a $1.4 billion government contract, the largest ever awarded to a small business
We don't think so, but because it most severely affects the short takeoff and landing, we believe it's prudent and right, and our responsibility, to
work the problem," Secretary Roche said in his previous testimony.
Air Force print news (March 26, 2004): Joint Strike Fighter under attack on capitol hill
In my Probability and Statistics course ("Calculators Throw Teachers a Curve," 11/1/99), the teacher always shows us how to
work the problem without the calculator first.
And with more than 35 million office workers in the U.S., spending as much as six times the amount of hours indoors at
work the problem afflicting Child-Support Enforcement Agency employees is of little surprise to Rodolitz.
LI owner offers advice on Toledo sick building
Nahhas said that the demonstrators' cries should be loud in order to get things back on the correct track and have Lebanese parties gather around dialogue table to
work the problems out and spare Lebanon the regional turmoil's impact.
Nahhas: Economic bodies' protest righteous
I hope that as a result of this joint
work the problems faced by the people of Kyrgyzstan will be overcome," President Medvedev said."Of course, a great deal remains to be done.
President Medvedev: Kyrgyzstan may rely upon Russia's assistance in tackling problems
Our Joint Force Air Component Commander (General Walter E.) Buck Buchanan is engaged every day with his counterparts to try and figure out how to
work the problems of our ground forces.
Adapting air and space--a legacy of air and space power