bet your bottom dollar

bet your bottom dollar

Be certain that something will happen (so much so that one would hypothetically risk one's last dollar betting on it). I lost my umbrella, so you can bet your bottom dollar that it will rain tomorrow! Oh, you can bet your bottom dollar that Kevin will be late tonight—he's never on time!
See also: bet, bottom, dollar
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

bet one's bottom dollar

 and bet one's life
Fig. to be quite certain (about something). (A bottom dollar is the last dollar.) I'll be there. You bet your bottom dollar. I bet my bottom dollar you can't swim across the pool. You bet your life I can't swim that far.
See also: bet, bottom, dollar
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

bet your bottom dollar

If you say that you bet your bottom dollar that something will happen or is true, you mean that you are certain that it will happen or that it is true. A police insider was quoted as saying of the crime: `You can bet your bottom dollar Sinclair was involved'. He hasn't passed us and we haven't passed him, but I'd bet my bottom dollar he's around somewhere. Note: This expression refers to the piles of coins on a poker (= gambling game) table. A confident player would bet by pushing a pile of coins to the centre of the table using the bottom dollar, on which all the others were resting.
See also: bet, bottom, dollar
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

(you can) bet your bottom ˈdollar/your ˈlife (on something/that...)

(informal) (you can) be certain of something: You can bet your bottom dollar that he’ll forget our anniversary.
See also: bet, bottom, dollar, life
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

bet one’s bottom dollar

tv. to be very certain of something; to bet in complete certainty of winning. (Need not refer to an actual bet.) I bet my bottom dollar you never ever went to Alaska!
See also: bet, bottom, dollar
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

bet your bottom dollar

Risk your all your assets. “Bottom dollar” was the last amount of money in a gambling game stake. If you lost it, you were flat-out broke. Therefore, someone who said that you could bet your bottom dollar on something was telling you that it was a certainty. And sometimes it was.
See also: bet, bottom, dollar
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • bet bottom dollar
  • bet one’s bottom dollar
  • bet your bottom dollar/your life
  • you can bet your bottom dollar (on something)
  • you bet your bottom
  • (one's) bottom dollar
  • bet on it
  • bet on
  • bet on (someone or something)
  • a long shot
References in classic literature
I'm homesick from ear-socket to crupper, and from crupper to hock-joint; but it ain't any use, I've got to stay here, till the old man drops the rag and give the word--yes, SIR, right here in this country I've got to linger till the old man says COME!--and you bet your bottom dollar, Johnny, it AIN'T just as easy as it is for a cat to have twins!"
If you see two women together, you may bet your bottom dollar they are discussing their own or their friends' clothes.
And you can bet your bottom dollar there will be plenty of takers for a man who always appears to leave clubs in a better state than when he joined.
You can bet your bottom dollar that they all moaned when the beast from the east hit, so you would think that people would be glad of a bit of warmth and would embrace it for as long as it sees fit to stay with us.
Bet your bottom dollar First Lady caps will be on sale for 40 bucks before the waters recede.
Burger masters Almost Famous have launched their CHRISTMAS MENU and you can bet your bottom dollar it's even bigger and bolder than ever before!
3 4 "Bet your bottom dollar." The currency in this country is Sterling.
AN HOUR TO SAVE YOUR LIFE BBC2, 9pm If a format or subject does well in the ratings, you can bet your bottom dollar that a rival broadcaster will attempt to cash in by producing their own version, albeit with a few tweaks here and there to avoid accusations of plagiarism.
You can bet your bottom dollar that you can reap the rewards of this extended investment later on.
His free-kicks have ended up in more walls than your average pig, yet you can bet your bottom dollar he'll still be taking the next one, and the one after that.
Sure, it doesn't match the production values of, say, Mary Poppins, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it remains an uplifting, heart-warming tale worthy of a few nickels.
Please someone offer Dean Hoyle PS1 profit for the club and you can bet your bottom dollar he'll sell, just like he's quick to sell any player for a quick bucks profit.
Enjoy it while you can guys because you can bet your bottom dollar that things will be going pear-shaped very soon.
You can bet your bottom dollar that every time you rush through maintenance, mistakes will happen.
The song in my head usually performs this line as "bet your bottom dollar you'll lose your booze in Chicago,'' so I always thought it was a warning not to carry your flask back there with your wallet.