unmade bed

unmade bed

slang One who is very unkempt in appearance. Look at Bill, with his hair uncombed and his shirt half-tucked—he's a real unmade bed.
See also: bed
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • goodnight
  • make a bed
  • climb into (something)
  • in bed
  • go to bed with
  • go to bed with (one)
  • go to bed with somebody
  • put (someone or something) to bed
  • put something to bed
  • put to bed
References in classic literature
And I must leave all this"--he waved his arm round the dirty garret, with its unmade bed, the clothes lying on the floor, a row of empty beer bottles against the wall, piles of unbound, ragged books in every corner--"for some provincial university where I shall try and get a chair of philology.
His eyes were naturally heavy; he had an air of having wallowed, fully dressed, all day on an unmade bed. Another man would have felt such an appearance a distinct disadvantage.
2 Location Take the interview in a quiet room with a neutral, tidy background - an unmade bed and pile of laundry won't match the organisational skills you have listed on your CV.
The art world is full of so called experts that drool over paintings and other artworks (The Unmade Bed for instance) and tell us plebs how they are so fantastic and what geniuses they are.
Do you remember that famous pile of red bricks in a museum that was considered artistic, not to mention a certain artist's unmade bed? Where aesthetics is concerned I am reminded of the old adage that "one man's meat is another man's poison".
She said: "As an actor most of the time you have to dress like an unmade bed, because you're going to rehearsals, but underneath all of that I always have lovely underwear." | Desert Island Discs is on BBC Radio 4 today, at 11.15am.
ARTIST Tracey Emin - best known for works such as her unmade bed and the tent Everyone I Have Ever Slept With - is creating a new public artwork for St Pancras station.
The work, which featured an unmade bed and a littered floor including empty vodka bottles, discarded cigarettes and condoms, was bought by millionaire art collector Charles Saatchi in 2000 for PS150,000.
The Unmade Bed: The Messy Truth About Men and Women in the 21st Century provides a fine nonfiction piece that considers changing relationships between men and women in modern society, adding commentary from the author's wife, a successful writer in her own right.
ARTIST Tracey Emin - famous for exhibiting her unmade bed - has helped the National Portrait Gallery purchase her Death Mask.
unmade bed. However, the work was put on the shortlist in 1999 for the
However, my eye was immediately drawn to the background, showing an unmade bed and a floor littered with piles of random stuff.
Previous winning works include an unmade bed and a shark in formaldehyde.
LEGENDARY British artist Francis Bacon will be showcased in Tate Liverpool's 2016 summer blockbuster show - months after Tracey Emin's famous unmade bed also makes an appearance at the gallery.
Tracy Emin wept this week when her PS2.4million unmade bed - complete with condoms and dirty knickers - came back from Germany where it's been for years.