unknown country

unknown country

A place, topic, or situation that is totally foreign or unfamiliar. There has been such turbulence and change with the company that the future now looks like an unknown country. Visiting my dad's family down in Texas always felt like traveling to an unknown country as a kid.
See also: country, unknown
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

unknown country

an unfamiliar place or topic.
The Latin equivalent, terra incognita , is also used in English.
See also: country, unknown
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • uncharted waters
  • unfamiliar
  • unfamiliar territory
  • unfamiliar waters
  • murky
  • murky waters
  • murky/uncharted waters
  • untested waters
  • change beyond (all) recognition
  • change out of (all) recognition
References in classic literature
In the heart of a savage and unknown country, seven hundred miles from the main body of his fellow-adventurers, Stuart had dismissed half of his little number, and was prepared with the residue to brave all the perils of the wilderness, and the rigors of a long and dreary winter.
In 1856, he quitted Bornou, and determined to explore the unknown country that lies between Lake Tchad and Darfur.
There was the road again, leading far away into the unknown country beyond.
He added privately that we were now approaching the door of the unknown country, and that the fewer whom we took into our confidence the better it would be.
Oh, what delight it was to be thus seated aloft, rumbling along the broad, sunshiny road, with the fresh morning breeze in my face, surrounded by an unknown country, all smiling - cheerfully, gloriously smiling in the yellow lustre of those early beams; with my darling child in my arms, almost as happy as myself, and my faithful friend beside me: a prison and despair behind me, receding further, further back at every clatter of the horses' feet; and liberty and hope before!
Toward the north they marched, back toward their savage settlement in the wild and unknown country which lies back from the Kongo in the uttermost depths of The Great Forest, and on either side of them traveled an invisible and relentless foe.
These two had neither the strength, endurance, nor jungle-craft to accompany him through the unknown country to the west, nor did he wish them with him.
Then bethinking herself of Silas's advent from an unknown country, she said, "Could it ha' been as they'd no church where you was born?"
The escape of the Indians to the south of the Rio Negro, where in such a vast unknown country they would be safe, is prevented by a treaty with the Tehuelches to this effect; -- that Rosas pays them so much to slaughter every Indian who passes to the south of the river, but if they fail in so doing, they themselves are to be exterminated.
In all the books of electrical science, there was nothing to help Bell and Watson in this journey they were making through an unknown country. They were as chartless as Columbus was in 1492.
To find Ajor in the unknown country to the north seemed rather hopeless; yet I could do no less than try, praying in the meanwhile that she would come through unscathed and in safety to her father.
@bryan_seje said "Life is never fair...and now you the light of Kenyans.without you baba Kenya is unknown country...."
Hong Kong: Two Saudi sisters hiding in Hong Kong have left the city after they were granted asylum in an unknown country late last week, their lawyer said on Monday.
One of the previously unseen Edward Chambre Hardman pictures is of an unknown country house
What drives a person to move to a new and usually unknown country?