white man's disease

white man's disease

1. Any disease or illness most prevalent among, or believed to only be contracted by, Caucasian people. Because I am of Indian descent, my friends and family couldn't believe I'd come down with multiple sclerosis, which they all refer to as a white man's disease.
2. slang The perceived inability of Caucasian men to jump as high as African-American men, especially in relation to basketball. He'd be such a better shooting guard if he didn't have white man's disease.
See also: disease, white
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

white man’s disease

n. the inability to jump in basketball. You break your leg, Walter? Or you got a case of white man’s disease.
See also: disease, white
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • white man’s disease
  • catch (something) from (someone)
  • catch from
  • zipper head
  • zipperhead
  • wangster
  • wankster
  • whangster
  • whankster
  • (something) speaks for itself