white man

Related to white man: white man's burden, white woman

white man

1. A man with white skin; a man whose race is white. Can you see me? I'm standing next to a really tall white man.
2. White people collectively. The destruction that the white man brought to the Native Americans is incalculable.
See also: man, white
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • man of color
  • man on the make
  • M4M
  • a hungry man is an angry man
  • angry
  • a man of his word
  • man of his word
  • man after my own heart
  • a man, woman, etc. after your own heart
  • a man after (one's) own heart
References in classic literature
But the white man! When his mouth is full with the juice, what does he do?
He ceased, puffed at the pipe, found that it was out, and passed it over to Zilla, who took the sneer at the white man off her lips in order to pucker them about the pipe-stem.
They sailed their vessels right into the lagoon and proceeded to preach the white man's gospel that only white men shall kill white men and that the lesser breeds must keep hands off.
Max Bunster was the one white man on Lord Howe, trading in the pay of the ubiquitous Moongleam Soap Company.
The anger of a wild animal was in his eyes; but he saw the white man's hand dropping to the pistol in his belt.
"Swine!" the white man gritted out through his teeth at the whole breed of Solomon Islanders.
Then the White Man crept back to his bed, and the shivering natives, fortified with gin, or squareface, as it is called locally, took refuge on the second wagon, drawing a tent-sail over them.
The white man, turning his back upon the setting sun, looked along the empty and broad expanse of the sea-reach.
They ran along the bank until they were opposite to the boats, then throwing by their weapons and buffalo robes, plunged into the river, waded and swam off to the boats and surrounded them in crowds, seeking to shake hands with every individual on board; for the Indians have long since found this to be the white man's token of amity, and they carried it to an extreme.
We can't read de newspapers very much, but we knows how to vote, an' we wants you to vote jes' like we votes." He added: "We watches de white man, and we keeps watching de white man till we finds out which way de white man's gwine to vote; an' when we finds out which way de white man's gwine to vote, den we votes 'xactly de other way.
And ashore, a white man alone, attended by an Irish terrier puppy with a heart flooded with love and by a black king resentfully respectful of the dynamite of the white man, Van Horn went, swashbuckling barelegged through a stronghold of three thousand souls, while his white mate, addicted to schnapps, held the deck of the tiny craft at anchor off shore, and while his black boat's crew, oars in hands, held the whaleboat stern-on to the beach to receive the expected flying leap of the man they served but did not love, and whose head they would eagerly take any time were it not for fear of him.
"Why does the big white man who leads the ourang outangs follow us?" he asked.
"Let the white man teach me to fly," he said, "and I will take you back close to the settlements of your people, but in return for this I shall keep the great bird," and he waved a black hand in the direction of the aeroplane.
Once at the foot of the ridge, they came cautiously to their feet, and, bent half-double, advanced silently upon the unconscious white man, their heavy war-clubs swinging menacingly in their brawny hands.
In a recent work, we related the circumstance of a white man named Rose, an outlaw, and a designing vagabond, who acted as guide and interpreter to Mr.