white hole

Related to white hole: dark matter, wormhole

white hole

A hypothetical celestial object that releases matter (unlike a black hole, which absorbs matter). I have devoted my career to proving the existence of white holes.
See also: hole, white
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • (as) white as snow
  • white as snow
  • (as) white as the driven snow
  • hit the white
  • white on rice
  • white man
  • white wedding
  • same difference
  • diff
  • white flag, hang out/show the
References in periodicals archive
Consider first classical, point-like particles falling in the black hole, crossing the singularity, and exiting through the white hole which appears after the singularity disappears.
The result can be interpreted as the generation of a new expanding isotropic white hole in 3-space.
Suppose, then, that our reference class includes only these Schwarzschild white hole singularities and the big bang singularity.
It's been said that black holes may tunnel through time and space into another dimensionality, slowly bleeding their contents through these conduits and reappearing in another time and another place as white holes.
Just as blackholes are things you can never escape, white holes are things you can never enter, because they are constantly shooting matter outward.
Thus, it produced not a black hole event horizon, but its opposite, called a white hole. However, Leonhardt says that the pulse behaves like a black hole if the swimmer waves start out traveling slightly slower than the pulse.
The increase of the entropy of the matter after big bang or white hole is only temporary; it is renewed through the cyclic transformation "matter--space--matter--space".
KSR: Some physicists speak of some postulated faster-than-light possibilities, such as (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/04/05/space-explained-what-are-black-holes-white-holes-and-worm-holes/) wormholes that connect a black hole to a white hole somewhere else, a white hole being a place where energy is pouring out into the universe.
Willie Emery from Newbiggin fished the White Hole and, using a combination of lug and rag, took a cod of 9lb 4oz.
66Cod 1flr 152-0-91st J Lindsay 24-9-0 6 cod h/f 5-11-4 (Druridge bay) 2nd G Foster 18-3-1 6cod (Long rock, Hauxley) 3rd D Greatrex 13-7-9 8cod (Hadston, Sid's hole) 4th G Tully 13-6-0 7cod (Silver Carrs, Hauxley) 5th A Sanderson 10-12-8 4COD (White holes, Newbiggin) Whitley Bay AS: 10f 7w.i.
There was a period before I started my career when, as a reader, I recall gaping white holes in newsApapers where the military regime's censors had ripAped out offending columns of the written word that even implicitly challenged the dictator's primacy.
In this scenario, consider the notion that white holes detected by CR are given by II, IV, VI, and VIII, which have the same bandwidth.
matches, Wayne Smailes winning one with five cod for 10lb 3.5oz from Dulce Carrs and Joe Lindsay taking the best of 5lb 11.9oz from The White Holes.
The HSF of 5.11.9 was taken from the White Holes by Joe Lindsay.
The programme for the development of Eastern Poland - historically poorer and faced with structural problems - will be allocated two billion euro, as will the new Digital Poland' programme aimed at reducing the broadband "white holes" and developing an e-administration system.